
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Mal (27),Mal- (2),Mala (561),Malb (7),Malc (14),Mald (56),Male (169),Malg (91),Malh (177),Mali (345),Malj (3),Malk (217),Mall (574),Malm (12),Maln (17),Malo (65),Malp (111),Malr (10),Mals (44),Malt (41),Malu (72),Malv (13),Malw (53),Maly (8),Malā (82),Malī (3),Malū (23)
Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mal city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.17 74.47 3349 9890
Mal city Maharashtra India 19.38 73.60 830 24533
Mal city Uttar Pradesh India 25.65 83.16 209 103097
Mal city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.49 74.69 10908 30232
Mal city Uttar Pradesh India 26.39 83.69 206 74120
Mal city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.46 75.57 7109 298
Mal city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.65 75.37 2509 21048
Mal city Maharashtra India 21.87 74.01 1669 14024
Mal city Maharashtra India 21.91 74.27 1046 1869
Mal city Himachal Pradesh India 32.33 76.03 4189 17951
Mal city Rajasthan India 23.23 74.47 1669 43835
Mal city Gujarat India 23.28 74.10 1082 56426
Mal city Gujarat India 24.22 72.81 1167 25968
Mal city Uttarakhand India 30.07 79.52 5029 14304
Mal city Gujarat India 22.53 74.03 830 28457
Mal city Madhya Pradesh India 22.01 74.11 1227 4681
Mal city Uttarakhand India 29.58 79.65 4219 32306

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