
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mālwa city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.04 74.53 5902 25803
Mālwa city Uttar Pradesh India 29.05 78.43 830 41023
Mālwa city Rajasthan India 23.75 73.93 830 22961
Mālwa city Rajasthan India 25.76 73.08 830 0
Mālwe city Bihar India 25.22 84.33 255 103369
Mālwākad city Maharashtra India 19.95 77.81 1115 23098
Mālwāra city Rajasthan India 24.78 72.29 830 21158
Mālwāri city Maharashtra India 19.70 77.17 1669 71566
Mālwās city Rajasthan India 28.82 75.25 830 14446

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