
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Luma Satbahini city Jharkhand India 24.37 83.83 830 24059
Lumas ka Naya Bas city Rajasthan India 28.06 75.23 1053 28421
Lumb city Uttar Pradesh India 29.26 77.22 830 103040
Lumba ki Bāria city Rajasthan India 26.04 74.21 1669 34064
Lumbesu city Odisha India 19.03 83.47 1801 18660
Lumbi Bari city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.46 74.22 5029 24670
Lumburu city Andhra Pradesh India 18.03 82.43 3349 13043
Lumding city Assam India 25.75 93.17 400 33315
Lumding Railway Colony city Assam India 25.75 93.17 400 33315
Lumkheda city Maharashtra India 21.07 75.93 830 89962
Lumlie Galm city Himachal Pradesh India 33.02 76.45 10344 1341
Lumpo city Arunachal Pradesh India 27.72 91.70 10068 1246
Lumshken city India 25.32 92.26 3723 4608
Lumsu city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.52 76.38 12588 149

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