
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Lāli city Jharkhand India 24.06 83.88 830 42180
Lāli Ka Kaliāna city Uttarakhand India 29.96 79.30 4566 16077
Lāli Piplia city Madhya Pradesh India 22.79 76.37 1669 36403
Lāli Tānda city Andhra Pradesh India 16.78 79.82 288 28712
Lāli ka Pura city Uttar Pradesh India 25.47 82.48 275 103034
Lāli ki Dhāni city Rajasthan India 27.00 75.98 1246 37176
Lālikhera city Rajasthan India 26.32 74.47 1669 17284
Lālimāti city Madhya Pradesh India 24.48 82.57 921 13261
Lālipur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.02 80.95 370 60663
Lālipār city Uttar Pradesh India 26.75 83.83 242 84140
Lāliwāli Pathra city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.31 73.94 8608 6625
Lāliyakheri city Rajasthan India 24.38 76.28 1112 19966
Lāliāri city Bihar India 25.03 85.21 249 90308

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