
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kothl city Himachal Pradesh India 30.89 77.13 5869 45321
Kothla city Maharashtra India 18.53 76.12 2509 24451
Kothla city Uttarakhand India 29.78 78.46 1669 22781
Kothla city Uttar Pradesh India 28.83 78.09 830 104770
Kothla city Uttarakhand India 29.50 79.39 6135 11473
Kothladhana city Madhya Pradesh India 22.06 78.25 2732 18459
Kothle city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.13 75.06 3684 11755
Kothli city Maharashtra India 17.74 76.51 1893 26853
Kothli city Maharashtra India 20.64 76.26 1141 26503
Kothli city Maharashtra India 21.39 74.12 830 29919
Kothli city Maharashtra India 21.46 74.58 830 33657
Kothlāghāti city Rajasthan India 24.64 76.17 971 45590
Kothlāpāra city West Bengal India 24.36 87.96 104 89859

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