
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kojaguda city Odisha India 18.96 83.16 1768 10652
Kojagund city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.99 74.56 6158 63663
Kojala city Punjab India 31.75 75.38 830 71188
Kojambuttúr city Tamil Nadu India 11.01 76.97 1249 49529
Kojan city Gujarat India 23.20 73.28 328 28906
Kojbitola city Maharashtra India 21.07 80.15 830 24480
Kojbī city Maharashtra India 21.06 80.15 830 23982
Kojerguda city Odisha India 19.74 83.25 2509 16502
Kojhī city Bihar India 24.60 84.37 830 69444
Kojibana city Bihar India 25.66 87.80 85 102043
Kojikode city Kerala India 11.25 75.78 6 187787
Kojjagudam city Andhra Pradesh India 17.43 78.15 1879 44113
Kojra city Rajasthan India 24.75 73.00 1158 31261
Kojram city Jharkhand India 24.21 84.59 1056 23016
Kojubār city Himachal Pradesh India 31.15 77.54 7641 22623
Kojun city Himachal Pradesh India 30.85 77.53 7063 11783
Kojunda city Rajasthan India 25.18 74.71 1669 18157

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