
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Koba city Gujarat India 23.15 72.64 216 136446
Koba city Gujarat India 22.28 73.53 830 11024
Koba city Gujarat India 21.43 72.77 32 25407
Koba city Chhattisgarh India 20.83 81.15 1023 22343
Koba city Uttar Pradesh India 25.87 82.37 282 91907
Kobagām city Andhra Pradesh India 18.44 83.95 65 98186
Kobai city Maharashtra India 19.89 78.54 830 15352
Kobai city Andhra Pradesh India 19.73 78.83 830 16113
Kobaiguda city Andhra Pradesh India 19.51 78.73 1669 16697
Kobak city Meghalaya India 25.30 92.80 3349 4087
Koban Jot city Uttar Pradesh India 26.77 82.39 265 70864
Kobariya city Uttar Pradesh India 24.41 83.36 830 19283
Kobarziz city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.03 75.55 11181 1419
Kobda city Maharashtra India 21.54 77.01 1085 14665
Kobdedhana city Maharashtra India 21.69 77.05 1099 12273
Koberi Khera city Uttar Pradesh India 26.46 81.03 374 68593
Kobhta city Uttarakhand India 29.82 79.93 5167 14850
Kobi city Uttar Pradesh India 25.86 82.36 278 75292
Kobia city Chhattisgarh India 21.70 81.55 912 42509
Kobil city Bihar India 25.17 85.18 209 197552
Kobirali city Assam India 26.65 92.02 226 111712
Kobiraligaon city Assam India 26.65 92.02 226 111712
Kobo city Assam India 27.79 95.39 383 23369
Kobra city Bihar India 25.08 86.53 157 83958
Kobramendha city Maharashtra India 20.54 80.44 931 10724
Kobre Dhana city Madhya Pradesh India 21.74 77.55 1906 12224
Kobriā city Jharkhand India 24.20 84.44 1145 26103
Kobug city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.99 74.82 5305 220395
Kobīr city Andhra Pradesh India 19.26 77.94 1669 20157

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