
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kiwai Buzurg city Uttar Pradesh India 25.42 82.33 265 143716
Kiwana city Haryana India 29.23 76.98 830 74957
Kiwar city Uttar Pradesh India 29.09 78.58 830 44431
Kiwara ki Dhani city Rajasthan India 26.32 76.07 895 22363
Kiwā city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.13 75.92 5869 1162
Kiwāna city Uttar Pradesh India 29.35 77.33 830 69180
Kiwāra city Rajasthan India 26.32 76.06 925 22364
Kiwāri city Madhya Pradesh India 22.25 78.79 2509 31383

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