
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Khyada city Madhya Pradesh India 25.43 77.54 1669 9056
Khyali ki Dhani city Rajasthan India 28.41 75.31 856 22055
Khyali ki Mandaiyan city Uttar Pradesh India 28.03 78.67 830 49565
Khyaria city Gujarat India 22.29 70.50 269 13121
Khyawada Khurd city Madhya Pradesh India 25.42 77.49 1669 11311
Khyber Lines city Delhi India 28.59 77.15 830 731573
Khyipar city Himachal Pradesh India 32.33 78.02 14435 149
Khyoraj Purwa city Uttar Pradesh India 27.12 79.75 830 98913
Khyra city Madhya Pradesh India 24.53 82.47 830 13261
Khyulpat city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.32 75.99 5347 298
Khyād city Karnataka India 15.85 75.70 1778 26102
Khyāli city Rajasthan India 28.77 75.40 830 14304
Khyāvda city Madhya Pradesh India 24.79 78.04 1669 10821
Khyāwada city Rajasthan India 25.18 76.87 1089 10348

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