
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Khuja city Madhya Pradesh India 24.50 77.39 1669 13070
Khuja city Madhya Pradesh India 25.95 78.80 830 26671
Khuja city Uttar Pradesh India 25.88 78.97 830 39539
Khuja city Madhya Pradesh India 24.65 80.79 1072 47307
Khuja city Madhya Pradesh India 24.33 80.49 1669 15829
Khuja city Chhattisgarh India 22.10 81.72 944 51380
Khujare city Maharashtra India 18.12 73.00 830 28929
Khujarhār city Madhya Pradesh India 23.67 77.92 1669 10430
Khujauli city Uttar Pradesh India 26.71 81.04 387 47737
Khujauli city Uttar Pradesh India 26.28 80.36 383 32832
Khujcarli city Punjab India 32.42 75.93 2509 26622
Khujda city Maharashtra India 19.01 77.49 1118 48517
Khujen city Odisha India 20.46 82.72 921 16890
Khujeti city Uttarakhand India 29.39 79.78 5029 15844
Khujh city Madhya Pradesh India 24.56 81.45 1000 44102
Khujh city Madhya Pradesh India 24.90 81.70 1085 34823
Khujha city Uttar Pradesh India 25.62 81.22 830 89084
Khujha city Bihar India 24.93 83.82 275 43321
Khujha city Madhya Pradesh India 24.41 80.76 1125 23393
Khujhi city Uttar Pradesh India 27.21 80.97 416 67804
Khujhwa city Madhya Pradesh India 24.71 81.76 1017 32746
Khujhwa city Madhya Pradesh India 24.71 81.78 1017 33085
Khujhī city Uttar Pradesh India 25.63 83.00 269 121718
Khujhī city Chhattisgarh India 22.74 82.89 1669 24994
Khujia city Uttar Pradesh India 27.57 77.89 830 66519
Khujiakhoa city Madhya Pradesh India 22.37 74.92 882 24258
Khujiani city Odisha India 21.03 83.15 830 24593
Khujipur city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.75 74.99 5869 65084
Khujistabad city Uttar Pradesh India 29.27 78.51 830 66814
Khujja city Uttar Pradesh India 24.70 83.21 1017 21560
Khujji city Chhattisgarh India 20.95 80.88 1043 32197
Khujjitola city Chhattisgarh India 22.84 82.04 1801 17582
Khujjīpāra city Chhattisgarh India 22.68 82.46 1105 149
Khujjītola city Chhattisgarh India 22.86 82.05 1755 17582
Khujner city Madhya Pradesh India 23.79 76.62 1811 31744
Khujra city Maharashtra India 19.18 77.00 1200 52848
Khujra city Uttar Pradesh India 25.69 83.06 206 101148
Khujra city Uttar Pradesh India 26.51 83.32 213 77687
Khujrahwa city Uttar Pradesh India 26.93 83.44 229 91866
Khujratkhera city Madhya Pradesh India 22.16 75.97 830 17416
Khujupur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.36 80.46 410 39225
Khujwa city Bihar India 26.06 84.26 223 105647
Khujī Tolā city Madhya Pradesh India 21.90 80.01 1085 31651
Khujītolā city Madhya Pradesh India 21.74 80.37 977 17409

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