
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Khowa Chauki city Madhya Pradesh India 25.11 79.57 839 24083
Khowai city India 24.08 91.60 45 62098
Khowande Purwa city Uttar Pradesh India 26.06 81.96 278 79081
Khowara city Uttarakhand India 30.56 78.67 5869 16092
Khowi city Madhya Pradesh India 23.21 78.13 1669 14602
Khowurwor city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.32 74.32 5324 31520
Khowāng city Assam India 27.28 94.88 318 24945

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