
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Khot city Haryana India 29.38 76.17 830 40103
Khot city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.21 74.13 2680 7168
Khot city Himachal Pradesh India 31.14 77.32 6860 17711
Khot Kalān city Haryana India 29.39 76.17 830 40056
Khot Khurd city Haryana India 29.37 76.17 830 40360
Khota city Punjab India 30.75 75.14 830 61204
Khota city Punjab India 30.61 75.23 830 44242
Khota city Rajasthan India 23.35 74.15 928 43992
Khota city Rajasthan India 23.27 74.23 830 35138
Khota city Bihar India 24.70 85.37 380 51485
Khota city Bihar India 25.72 86.39 104 103122
Khota Chhatara city Rajasthan India 23.22 74.27 1007 34924
Khotaria city Uttar Pradesh India 27.81 79.72 830 27118
Khotawa city Madhya Pradesh India 22.89 74.58 961 29795
Khotawara city Rajasthan India 23.99 73.51 1669 24044
Khotena city Uttar Pradesh India 28.06 78.14 830 84708
Khotha city Uttar Pradesh India 26.81 83.66 255 45133
Khothai ka Purwa city Uttar Pradesh India 25.73 81.68 288 81106
Khothānwāli city Rajasthan India 29.62 73.91 830 11783
Khoti city Himachal Pradesh India 31.70 77.11 3743 21630
Khotlabhāta city Odisha India 20.10 82.54 882 19519
Khotlāpāl city Chhattisgarh India 19.32 82.03 1893 14304
Khoton city Rajasthan India 23.11 74.29 830 44598
Khotpadar city Chhattisgarh India 19.07 82.12 1893 23496
Khotpura city Haryana India 29.45 77.01 830 155035
Khotran city Punjab India 31.20 75.80 830 103111
Khotri city Himachal Pradesh India 32.43 76.04 4514 29911
Khottapara city Jharkhand India 24.59 87.86 104 116432
Khotu city Himachal Pradesh India 32.56 76.06 5360 21808
Khotāmahua city Uttar Pradesh India 23.92 83.11 1669 17631
Khotāna Muwara city Gujarat India 23.04 73.47 206 43266

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