
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Khom city Uttarakhand India 30.59 79.16 6748 9685
Khomal city Rajasthan India 24.86 72.80 961 22331
Khomar city Uttar Pradesh India 24.98 82.37 830 26346
Khomar Maina city Uttar Pradesh India 24.98 82.36 830 28154
Khomar Maina city Uttar Pradesh India 24.97 82.36 830 27699
Khomari Thok city Uttarakhand India 29.31 79.47 5029 2932
Khombhadi city Gujarat India 23.42 69.12 406 8791
Khombhadi Mota city Gujarat India 23.41 69.11 830 8774
Khombhadi Nana city Gujarat India 23.42 69.13 410 8791
Khombhdi city Gujarat India 23.42 69.12 406 8791
Khomghāt city Odisha India 21.81 83.75 849 12650
Khomina city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.26 74.61 5101 67600
Khomnal city Maharashtra India 17.45 75.46 1669 17324
Khomāri city Bihar India 26.82 84.46 216 150332

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