
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kāichhajkūt city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.86 75.05 5206 43913
Kāigaon city Maharashtra India 20.18 75.63 2017 25229
Kāilo city Uttar Pradesh India 25.79 79.04 830 40469
Kāim Jot city Uttar Pradesh India 26.60 82.47 295 71347
Kāim Khāniān Gujrānbās city Rajasthan India 29.10 75.17 830 43953
Kāimana city Karnataka India 12.73 75.36 262 32769
Kāimganj city Uttar Pradesh India 26.05 82.58 308 99552
Kāimpur city Punjab India 30.04 75.98 830 43194
Kāimpur city Uttar Pradesh India 27.50 79.77 830 47679
Kāimpur city Uttar Pradesh India 27.72 80.20 830 45524
Kāinaur city Punjab India 30.83 76.50 882 53298
Kāir city Uttar Pradesh India 26.39 81.29 377 68172
Kāira city Himachal Pradesh India 30.71 77.38 5029 14670
Kāitha city Madhya Pradesh India 23.88 76.33 1223 22287
Kāithpur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.98 79.34 830 65870
Kāithu Ke Mundia city Uttar Pradesh India 28.87 78.97 830 59531
Kāiyanmul city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.01 75.35 9583 13732

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