
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Hanwan city Uttar Pradesh India 27.68 81.16 396 58482
Hanwanta city Uttar Pradesh India 27.51 79.04 830 76535
Hanwantgarh city Uttar Pradesh India 26.29 81.56 351 81394
Hanwantia city Rajasthan India 26.20 74.81 1220 15019
Hanwantiya city Madhya Pradesh India 22.14 76.60 830 8791
Hanwantpur city Uttar Pradesh India 27.12 79.26 830 94921
Hanwantpur city Uttar Pradesh India 27.13 80.95 416 47265
Hanwantpur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.51 79.09 830 61891
Hanwantpura city Rajasthan India 28.21 74.98 974 45782
Hanwantpura city Rajasthan India 26.37 74.40 1669 17284
Hanwara city Jharkhand India 25.08 87.22 131 116362
Hanwatkheda city Maharashtra India 19.80 77.00 1669 21556
Hanwatkher city Maharashtra India 21.31 77.45 1669 45633
Hanwatkhera city Rajasthan India 24.68 76.88 1095 34404
Hanwatkhera city Madhya Pradesh India 21.33 76.33 830 35926
Hanwatkhera city Rajasthan India 24.90 76.46 849 19800
Hanwādi city Maharashtra India 19.46 76.30 1669 17532
Hanwāli Baihk city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.70 74.40 9228 32335

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