
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Hōcihaḷḷi city Karnataka India 13.61 76.24 2509 23134
Hōcihaḷḷi city Karnataka India 13.44 76.04 2582 25628
Hōjāl city Assam India 26.00 92.86 196 56221
Hōlāpur Kāzi city Uttar Pradesh India 26.88 82.19 305 91161
Hōlāpur Tālib city Uttar Pradesh India 26.89 82.19 305 86385
Hōmpathar city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.55 74.99 7549 38399
Hōnswa city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.27 76.12 6709 298
Hōsura city Karnataka India 14.65 75.10 1794 32581

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