
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Golpalli city Andhra Pradesh India 16.51 77.55 1148 25198
Golpalli city Andhra Pradesh India 17.99 78.38 1669 34757
Golpatan city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.77 74.70 872 75158
Golpur city Rajasthan India 26.26 76.15 944 20727
Golpur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.42 82.74 262 77934
Golpur city Jharkhand India 24.27 87.66 236 41400
Golpura city Haryana India 30.51 76.99 994 9443
Golpura city Haryana India 30.21 76.80 839 76002
Golpura city Uttar Pradesh India 27.64 78.07 830 114966
Golpura city Madhya Pradesh India 22.48 76.79 830 12517
Golpura city Madhya Pradesh India 25.74 78.10 1007 25917
Golpura city Madhya Pradesh India 25.25 78.61 872 13555
Golpura city Madhya Pradesh India 21.83 75.23 908 22574
Golpālpur city Bihar India 25.85 83.17 206 98257
Golpāpur city Bihar India 25.76 85.11 147 39123

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