
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Goja Khera city Uttar Pradesh India 28.31 79.15 830 86901
Gojainpur city Uttar Pradesh India 25.97 82.50 272 133121
Gojandoh city Madhya Pradesh India 21.73 78.76 1669 17283
Gojani city Uttarakhand India 29.54 79.76 5912 14453
Gojapadar city Odisha India 19.44 83.08 2916 11155
Gojar Arain city Himachal Pradesh India 30.51 77.76 1669 34692
Gojara city Bihar India 24.42 84.65 830 69029
Gojathaj city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.91 74.61 7549 38442
Goje Singh Ki Dhani city Rajasthan India 26.61 71.78 862 2831
Gojegaon city Maharashtra India 18.49 77.44 1669 16824
Gojegaon city Andhra Pradesh India 18.55 77.64 1190 36043
Gojegaon city Maharashtra India 19.54 77.66 1669 33701
Gojge city Karnataka India 15.90 74.43 2509 85415
Gojhwar city Uttar Pradesh India 25.34 81.66 259 57471
Gojhwat city Bihar India 25.57 87.93 101 101491
Goji city Maharashtra India 20.63 78.75 830 31444
Gojia city Gujarat India 22.60 74.02 830 39867
Gojjabādi city Andhra Pradesh India 18.97 83.40 1669 23465
Gojjagām city Odisha India 19.19 82.19 1830 15247
Gojjegaudana Koppal city Karnataka India 12.29 76.40 2509 35611
Gojjābādi city Odisha India 19.07 83.31 1702 16027
Gojoda city Maharashtra India 20.99 75.75 830 78432
Gojoli city Maharashtra India 19.66 79.67 830 17135
Gojpur city Karnataka India 15.19 75.50 2040 27879
Goju city Himachal Pradesh India 32.30 76.09 3349 11114
Goju city Himachal Pradesh India 32.21 76.22 2677 31483
Gojuera city Uttarakhand India 29.64 79.85 6017 14453
Gojumala city Andhra Pradesh India 19.20 78.56 1669 13645
Gojur city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.98 74.69 6023 48989
Gojāri Muwara city Gujarat India 23.05 73.43 167 41465

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