
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Goe Bigha city Bihar India 25.22 85.38 154 124795
Goela city Rajasthan India 26.12 74.95 1125 15614
Goela city Haryana India 28.24 76.96 866 61892
Goela city Uttar Pradesh India 29.30 77.59 830 71045
Goela city Uttarakhand India 29.57 79.45 4189 46473
Goela Kalan city Haryana India 29.32 77.12 830 53080
Goela Kalān city Haryana India 29.32 77.12 830 53992
Goela Kalān city Haryana India 28.62 76.79 830 23339
Goela Khurd city Delhi India 28.59 77.01 830 603473
Goela Khurd city Haryana India 29.30 77.13 830 56700
Goelli city Rajasthan India 24.90 72.83 941 35525
Goelwāra city Andhra Pradesh India 18.83 79.42 830 78326
Goempa city Jammu and Kashmir India 35.06 77.31 11748 0
Goera city Himachal Pradesh India 30.98 76.80 1669 32884
Goera city Uttar Pradesh India 26.10 81.41 344 60440
Goetha city Uttar Pradesh India 26.42 82.41 298 88065

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