
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Girla city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.78 74.71 892 71952
Girli city Odisha India 19.00 83.36 1131 20182
Girliguda city Odisha India 19.87 83.48 1669 12247
Girligumma city Odisha India 19.12 82.85 2565 9632
Girligūda city Odisha India 18.97 82.43 1853 17890
Girligūdem city Andhra Pradesh India 18.23 82.87 3477 16491
Girliput city Odisha India 18.67 82.43 2014 17741
Girliputtu city Odisha India 18.89 82.71 2509 13134
Girliputtu city Odisha India 18.75 82.63 2916 16298
Girliputtu city Odisha India 18.86 82.98 3349 10687
Girlipādu city Odisha India 19.20 83.58 1669 18197
Girloār city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.07 73.94 8389 8486

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