
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gigalakheri city Madhya Pradesh India 23.12 76.56 1669 24641
Gigalpura city Rajasthan India 26.23 74.38 1669 27401
Giganwāl city Punjab India 31.57 75.82 895 41075
Giganwāl city Punjab India 31.56 75.68 830 127079
Gigaon city Maharashtra India 20.57 74.63 1669 79262
Gigasāran city Gujarat India 21.29 70.95 859 13147
Gigla city Uttar Pradesh India 27.37 78.03 830 55817
Giglāna city Rajasthan India 28.10 76.43 964 48005
Gignāu city Haryana India 28.49 75.80 830 26446
Gigorani city Haryana India 29.30 75.15 830 28717
Gigriāl city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.80 74.48 830 37229
Gigrota city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.11 75.55 5869 22597
Gigrāon city Uttar Pradesh India 25.24 82.60 196 122879

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