
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Ghīdi city Uttarakhand India 29.81 78.83 5370 15198
Ghīghākheri city Madhya Pradesh India 22.88 76.52 1840 18433
Ghīha city Bihar India 25.18 87.12 114 165740
Ghīkot city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.02 73.98 7129 9983
Ghīl city Himachal Pradesh India 30.68 77.37 3389 14117
Ghīlot city Rajasthan India 28.04 76.40 1017 48683
Ghīnpur city Uttar Pradesh India 25.73 81.99 288 74446
Ghīri city Himachal Pradesh India 31.48 77.00 6709 11270
Ghīrij city Himachal Pradesh India 31.46 77.36 5078 16888
Ghīsatpuri city Uttar Pradesh India 29.61 78.36 830 122976
Ghīsi city Madhya Pradesh India 21.98 78.18 2509 23497
Ghīsi city Madhya Pradesh India 22.01 79.83 1706 15640
Ghīsāpur city Uttar Pradesh India 25.66 82.04 288 66279
Ghīsāpur city Uttar Pradesh India 27.03 83.24 295 53833
Ghīugarhtola city Madhya Pradesh India 24.18 82.18 1669 19435
Ghīwar Asadullāhpur city Uttar Pradesh India 27.51 79.24 830 61143
Ghīāna city Himachal Pradesh India 31.15 77.01 3763 15404

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