
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gaebojh city Uttar Pradesh India 28.71 79.72 830 45114
Gaebojh city Uttar Pradesh India 28.60 79.84 830 116255
Gaedih city Chhattisgarh India 23.91 83.17 1223 15387
Gaegarmandu city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.47 75.44 10229 31073
Gaegattha city Uttar Pradesh India 28.33 79.53 830 55068
Gaeghat city Uttar Pradesh India 26.37 83.62 200 110884
Gaeghat city Uttar Pradesh India 26.01 84.14 223 99427
Gaeghat city Bihar India 24.94 84.07 364 116047
Gaeghat city Uttar Pradesh India 25.76 84.34 131 117325
Gaekwar Naka city Madhya Pradesh India 22.57 75.74 1866 55761

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