
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Fal city Goa India 15.54 74.02 39 46095
Falad Putli city Himachal Pradesh India 31.77 76.79 4189 30331
Falak Shāh city Punjab India 31.05 74.95 830 35547
Falakata city West Bengal India 26.52 89.20 272 106247
Falal city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.67 75.49 2637 24874
Falatsil city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.97 74.71 5912 50921
Falefarganj city Bihar India 24.52 84.78 830 75634
Falidpur Hasan Sahrai city Uttar Pradesh India 28.85 79.74 830 50651
Falimari city West Bengal India 26.40 89.82 370 50751
Falka city Bihar India 25.63 87.28 72 80982
Falta city West Bengal India 22.30 88.11 19 123293

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