
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Dopadi city Karnataka India 12.74 75.41 328 32406
Dopahari city Jharkhand India 24.73 87.61 223 29650
Dopahria city Uttar Pradesh India 26.84 81.71 337 74904
Dopahria city Uttar Pradesh India 28.69 79.47 830 49532
Dopahria city Uttarakhand India 28.89 79.50 830 71517
Dopaldi city Karnataka India 12.75 75.42 314 33550
Doparti city Andhra Pradesh India 17.36 82.29 830 38654
Doparwāli city Haryana India 28.29 76.98 938 61068
Dopedi city Haryana India 29.51 76.66 830 42864
Dopedia city Uttar Pradesh India 27.33 82.74 328 45191
Dopha city Himachal Pradesh India 31.53 77.03 5948 17816
Dopharia city Uttar Pradesh India 27.28 82.61 321 45247
Dophera city Punjab India 30.66 76.48 859 43882
Dophti city Himachal Pradesh India 31.47 77.43 5869 15875
Dophār city Uttarakhand India 29.88 79.89 3684 18947
Dopokharia city Bihar India 26.13 87.88 177 95742
Doppiguda city Andhra Pradesh India 18.68 83.87 964 30272
Doptāla city Maharashtra India 19.80 79.34 830 92557
Dopur city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.76 74.93 5938 67580
Dopākhe city Uttarakhand India 29.47 79.48 4189 45811
Dopākia city Odisha India 20.00 83.84 1860 8642
Dopārwādi city Karnataka India 18.34 77.30 1797 24443

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