
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Dol city Himachal Pradesh India 30.92 77.35 5944 12502
Dol city Jharkhand India 24.07 83.54 1148 23126
Dol city Madhya Pradesh India 24.78 81.34 830 41546
Dol city Madhya Pradesh India 24.27 81.88 1669 21885
Dol city Madhya Pradesh India 24.39 82.19 830 36282
Dol city Madhya Pradesh India 24.32 82.36 1059 14204
Dol city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.43 75.58 1669 33847
Dol city Himachal Pradesh India 32.06 76.39 3349 45799
Dol city Himachal Pradesh India 31.89 76.29 1669 48292
Dol city Himachal Pradesh India 31.84 76.48 1866 28612
Dol city Himachal Pradesh India 31.76 76.42 1761 36334
Dol city Himachal Pradesh India 31.81 76.30 1669 41110
Dol city Himachal Pradesh India 31.90 76.28 1669 48754
Dol city Himachal Pradesh India 31.89 76.36 2667 36247
Dol city Himachal Pradesh India 31.94 76.36 2759 30302
Dol city Himachal Pradesh India 31.15 76.70 1669 34679
Dol city Himachal Pradesh India 31.14 76.72 1748 35098
Dol city Himachal Pradesh India 31.10 76.72 1669 37713
Dol city Himachal Pradesh India 31.48 76.94 4189 26194
Dol city Himachal Pradesh India 31.39 76.91 4189 10645
Dol city Himachal Pradesh India 31.49 76.86 2509 48306
Dol city Uttarakhand India 29.56 79.52 4189 34235
Dol city Uttarakhand India 29.51 79.59 5029 9192
Dol city Uttarakhand India 29.49 79.77 5029 14461
Dol city Uttarakhand India 29.45 79.82 5029 14730
Dol Dongargaon city Maharashtra India 20.16 78.89 830 23093
Dol Khera city Uttar Pradesh India 28.45 78.16 830 62110
Dol Kot city Uttarakhand India 29.49 79.43 4320 33309
Dol Kunwan city Uttar Pradesh India 27.29 81.82 406 50438
Dol Patehra city Madhya Pradesh India 24.78 82.04 1190 30408
Dol Patehra city Madhya Pradesh India 24.79 82.04 1204 31592
Dola city Madhya Pradesh India 21.85 79.15 2001 17223
Dola city Himachal Pradesh India 31.96 76.15 1669 17708
Dola city Uttarakhand India 29.44 79.31 3615 0
Dola city Bihar India 24.98 85.73 193 96704
Dola Khant Muwara city Gujarat India 23.22 73.82 416 33165
Dola Pagi Muwara city Gujarat India 23.18 73.34 301 48600
Dola ka Khera city Rajasthan India 25.13 74.63 1669 14699
Dolaba city Haryana India 30.18 76.39 830 40668
Doladem city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.10 74.86 5088 367864
Dolaha city Bihar India 24.64 84.63 400 70660
Dolahar Pura city Uttar Pradesh India 26.03 83.18 226 207815
Dolaicha city Bihar India 25.32 84.23 246 126868
Dolaiguda city Odisha India 18.61 82.60 2916 15809
Dolaiputtu city Odisha India 18.91 82.48 1850 27124
Dolaiputtu city Odisha India 18.86 82.75 2588 22854
Dolaiputtu city Odisha India 18.66 82.83 2910 18562
Dolamada city Andhra Pradesh India 18.66 83.71 364 40267
Dolamadavalasa city Andhra Pradesh India 18.67 83.71 364 34762
Dolamb city Maharashtra India 20.04 77.88 1105 22089
Dolan city Himachal Pradesh India 31.74 76.78 3490 35233
Dolanamane city Karnataka India 13.07 75.81 3421 26924
Dolaniva Bas city Rajasthan India 28.41 74.42 853 18162
Dolankhapa city Madhya Pradesh India 21.71 78.60 1771 18340
Dolapalem Agraharam city Andhra Pradesh India 18.27 83.35 187 50185
Dolapara city Chhattisgarh India 18.65 81.71 1010 11406
Dolapasi city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.81 74.28 7549 22089
Dolapeta city Andhra Pradesh India 18.57 83.67 200 57245
Dolar city Maharashtra India 21.57 77.44 2608 5621
Dolara city India 20.08 73.04 830 39042
Dolara city Rajasthan India 25.40 75.68 830 53168
Dolara city Rajasthan India 24.49 76.55 1099 15101
Dolaras city Chhattisgarh India 18.65 81.55 1190 8067
Dolari Patti city Rajasthan India 24.51 73.74 1909 67722
Dolaria city Madhya Pradesh India 22.59 77.64 948 17930
Dolaria city Madhya Pradesh India 22.65 78.05 1118 23951
Dolaria city Gujarat India 22.74 74.10 915 40147
Dolaria city Gujarat India 23.21 73.62 213 29927
Dolariya city Madhya Pradesh India 22.30 77.30 1043 26462
Dolariya Bus city Rajasthan India 28.41 74.42 853 18162
Dolasne city Maharashtra India 19.39 74.21 2627 28906
Dolat Poira city Gujarat India 23.09 73.40 272 50089
Dolatpara city Gujarat India 23.25 73.73 269 31217
Dolatpur city Gujarat India 21.58 73.28 249 28929
Dolatpura city Rajasthan India 25.40 75.57 830 23656
Dolatpura city Madhya Pradesh India 23.53 76.88 1669 33311
Dolatpura city Gujarat India 23.24 73.83 390 31265
Dolavārigūdem city Andhra Pradesh India 16.46 80.95 16 109446
Dolawas city Rajasthan India 26.68 76.34 1164 41167
Dolayagūda city Andhra Pradesh India 18.71 83.84 1213 25580
Dolchī city Uttar Pradesh India 25.69 81.30 285 84242
Doldottu city Karnataka India 13.19 75.03 403 27637
Dolelian city Himachal Pradesh India 31.76 76.19 2509 24911
Dolemba city Andhra Pradesh India 18.69 83.08 2509 26481
Dolenahalli city Karnataka India 12.65 76.15 2769 41622
Dolep city West Bengal India 27.17 88.63 2509 14689
Dolepchand city Sikkim India 27.19 88.68 5029 15140
Doler city Daman and Diu India 20.38 72.83 32 16028
Doleras city Chhattisgarh India 18.62 81.64 994 6484
Doleshwar city Karnataka India 14.75 75.14 1879 41791
Dolgandi city Odisha India 18.03 81.87 2650 8791
Dolgandi city Odisha India 18.04 81.88 2509 8791
Dolgandiguda city Odisha India 18.04 81.89 2057 8687
Dolgaon city Assam India 26.44 90.00 137 27830
Dolha city Himachal Pradesh India 32.90 76.12 7549 7452
Dolhar city Madhya Pradesh India 21.73 76.26 1062 17369
Dolhara city Maharashtra India 19.66 76.19 1669 26027
Dolhari city Maharashtra India 20.04 77.86 1118 23131
Dolharkheda city Maharashtra India 21.05 76.15 830 2561
Dolhāri city Maharashtra India 20.40 77.81 1115 21978
Doli city Rajasthan India 26.06 72.66 830 12512
Doli city Madhya Pradesh India 24.05 80.90 1141 25612
Doli city Uttar Pradesh India 26.03 83.89 203 100262
Doli city Andhra Pradesh India 18.34 80.71 1669 4591
Doli city Madhya Pradesh India 23.17 80.23 1669 14892
Doli city Himachal Pradesh India 31.86 76.34 2011 42501
Doli city Gujarat India 23.08 73.86 830 41720
Doli city Rajasthan India 24.89 73.85 1860 35134
Doli Gharāna city Himachal Pradesh India 31.78 76.34 1669 41697
Doli Rājguran city Rajasthan India 26.06 72.66 830 12512
Doliakhal city Uttarakhand India 29.71 79.03 5029 10297
Doliambo city Odisha India 18.88 82.75 2509 13339
Doliambo city Odisha India 18.65 82.88 3556 18408
Doliambo city Odisha India 18.99 83.10 3349 9716
Dolibarikoppal city Karnataka India 12.76 76.71 2650 25392
Dolidhana city Madhya Pradesh India 22.06 77.88 1948 13696
Dolikuppa city Odisha India 19.88 83.39 1138 14486
Dolima city Odisha India 19.85 83.18 889 27126
Dolinda city Uttarakhand India 30.02 78.81 3349 22779
Dolip Kalan city Uttar Pradesh India 27.02 79.22 830 78041
Dolipur city Uttar Pradesh India 25.60 81.05 262 62274
Dolipura city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.46 74.15 5869 30349
Dolipura city Madhya Pradesh India 24.33 76.87 1669 11608
Doliyan city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.63 74.91 1046 125798
Doliyar city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.34 74.89 8389 12224
Doliān city Punjab India 31.01 76.53 843 68016
Doljām city Madhya Pradesh India 22.09 77.57 2034 13657
Dolkhed city Maharashtra India 20.75 76.27 954 27486
Dolkili city Madhya Pradesh India 22.39 74.37 1033 23646
Dollapara city Chhattisgarh India 18.84 81.61 2011 12566
Dollapāra city Chhattisgarh India 18.98 81.75 2509 14304
Dollenhalli city Karnataka India 13.17 77.19 2837 34645
Dollusar city Rajasthan India 28.75 74.25 830 6964
Dolma Sampa city India 27.88 88.38 17627 0
Dolmar city Uttarakhand India 29.32 79.51 4189 12563
Dolmen city Andhra Pradesh India 19.07 79.23 1706 5709
Dolmālpur city Bihar India 26.06 87.66 187 95255
Dolna city Himachal Pradesh India 30.75 77.56 5390 13897
Dolni city Madhya Pradesh India 22.71 78.68 1204 17673
Dolnui city Andhra Pradesh India 17.94 81.93 3349 3564
Dolon Kalan city Punjab India 30.80 75.78 830 58210
Dolon Khurd city Punjab India 30.82 75.80 830 77394
Dolonjh city Uttarakhand India 29.39 79.83 5029 15262
Dolopotiguda city Odisha India 18.61 82.25 935 17962
Dolopotiguda city Odisha India 18.56 82.17 853 16211
Dolopotiputtu city Odisha India 18.64 82.22 905 17937
Dolopotiputtu city Odisha India 18.56 82.40 2913 14987
Dolora city India 20.08 73.04 830 39042
Dolowal city Himachal Pradesh India 31.10 76.68 1079 36459
Dolowāl city Punjab India 30.54 76.04 830 5049
Dolpadi city Karnataka India 12.72 75.42 416 30401
Dolphat city Uttarakhand India 29.44 79.74 6227 15138
Dolpura city Rajasthan India 23.22 74.46 1108 41143
Dolpura city Gujarat India 23.20 73.11 285 29273
Dolpura city Rajasthan India 23.97 73.74 830 23517
Dolpura Muwara city Gujarat India 23.18 73.33 305 39338
Dolra city Himachal Pradesh India 31.24 76.66 2821 31960
Dolsa city Madhya Pradesh India 26.33 78.17 830 97331
Dolsi city Uttarakhand India 30.48 78.21 5029 18260
Doltariya city Madhya Pradesh India 23.73 76.75 1669 23792
Dolthatta city Karnataka India 12.77 75.24 295 55703
Doludola city Odisha India 18.97 82.84 3349 9515
Dolukona city Andhra Pradesh India 19.13 83.61 1669 17218
Dolungmukh city Assam India 27.50 94.27 295 19174
Doluān city Himachal Pradesh India 32.78 76.09 6896 9425
Dolwa city Rajasthan India 28.28 73.96 830 5427
Dolwa city Uttar Pradesh India 27.12 82.73 288 114371
Dolwan city Gujarat India 20.90 73.33 206 36788
Dolwar city Rajasthan India 23.79 73.85 830 22946
Dolwas city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.82 75.40 9425 25036
Dolyan city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.80 74.49 830 36339
Dolyganj city Andaman and Nicobar Islands India 11.63 92.63 0 3245
Dolyāri city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.34 74.89 8389 12224
Dolā city Madhya Pradesh India 22.70 79.92 1748 19542
Dolā city Uttarakhand India 29.22 80.08 4189 12516
Dolāg city Himachal Pradesh India 31.00 77.14 4189 11140
Dolāiputtu city Odisha India 18.66 82.86 2913 18899
Dolāji Muwara city Gujarat India 23.04 73.31 278 34927
Dolāndi city Rajasthan India 27.08 71.11 830 149
Dolāniya Bas city Rajasthan India 28.41 74.42 853 18162
Dolāniān Ki Dhāni city Rajasthan India 26.53 71.77 830 2831
Dolāpur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.00 80.85 334 62123
Dolāpur city Uttar Pradesh India 28.04 79.33 830 41367
Dolār city Maharashtra India 21.39 76.97 1669 11616
Dolāra city Maharashtra India 19.00 77.36 1158 34441
Dolārām Parāo city Maharashtra India 21.63 77.31 1935 4768
Dolāsa city Gujarat India 20.82 70.86 98 25023
Dolātola city Uttar Pradesh India 24.06 83.27 839 15488
Dolāwālābās city Rajasthan India 29.07 74.79 830 12963

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