
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Diodar city Gujarat India 24.11 71.77 160 32210
Diol city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.61 75.57 2509 25532
Dioli city Rajasthan India 25.76 75.38 1095 18995
Dioli city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.14 75.24 7627 6944
Dioli city Gujarat India 23.85 73.05 830 47331
Dior city Uttarakhand India 29.65 78.92 2076 11964
Diori city Gujarat India 24.22 72.76 935 23566
Diothī city Himachal Pradesh India 32.05 75.83 1145 26261

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