UpAlphabetical listing of Places in India
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Dilha | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 24.77 | 81.68 | 990 | 32763 |
Dilha | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.08 | 81.08 | 367 | 72064 |
Dilhapar | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.69 | 82.95 | 236 | 89344 |
Dilhari | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 22.79 | 79.06 | 1669 | 27016 |
Dilhi | city | Rajasthan | India | 24.20 | 73.67 | 1669 | 27169 |
Dilhi | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.15 | 83.13 | 232 | 44345 |
Dilhiwala | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 29.32 | 78.64 | 830 | 37819 |
Dilhnan | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.25 | 82.91 | 275 | 89441 |
Dilhori | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 33.30 | 74.40 | 3457 | 13675 |
Dilhori | city | Himachal Pradesh | India | 32.46 | 75.97 | 3530 | 30154 |
Dilhua | city | Bihar | India | 24.80 | 85.65 | 377 | 114501 |
Dilhāri | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 23.20 | 78.30 | 1151 | 11615 |
Dilhārpur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.35 | 82.30 | 321 | 68395 |
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