
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Digo city Haryana India 29.62 75.67 830 31924
Digod city Rajasthan India 25.22 76.08 843 18653
Digod city Madhya Pradesh India 25.03 77.57 1669 18305
Digod city Rajasthan India 24.44 76.67 994 18147
Digod city Madhya Pradesh India 22.79 76.45 1945 11598
Digoda city Madhya Pradesh India 24.75 79.27 997 25464
Digoda city Rajasthan India 25.18 76.85 1059 10452
Digoh city Himachal Pradesh India 32.47 76.28 4593 16986
Digoi city Uttar Pradesh India 27.02 80.92 416 166426
Digoi city Uttar Pradesh India 28.20 79.17 830 72163
Digol city Maharashtra India 18.67 76.28 2509 21002
Digol city Maharashtra India 18.39 76.92 2047 29450
Digoli city Himachal Pradesh India 30.60 77.54 5029 14789
Digoli city Uttarakhand India 29.84 79.09 5869 12840
Digoli city Uttarakhand India 29.92 79.64 4189 14459
Digoli city Uttarakhand India 29.44 79.89 4189 13727
Digolwadi city Maharashtra India 18.40 76.93 2037 30302
Digom city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.72 74.82 6709 76626
Digon city Madhya Pradesh India 23.89 76.16 1942 17283
Digori city Maharashtra India 20.29 77.97 1122 27722
Digot Got city Himachal Pradesh India 33.12 76.40 11748 1252
Digoti city Uttarakhand India 29.69 79.50 5869 30324

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