
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Deog city Himachal Pradesh India 31.47 77.52 5029 9762
Deoga city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.61 75.41 2509 25516
Deoga city Himachal Pradesh India 32.72 76.03 5029 16259
Deogad city Gujarat India 21.39 73.34 265 23625
Deogad Khata city Uttarakhand India 29.83 79.55 6709 20686
Deogahan city Chhattisgarh India 20.98 81.24 951 33455
Deogain city Chhattisgarh India 23.73 83.67 1669 11175
Deogalpur city Uttar Pradesh India 25.73 81.97 282 75560
Deogalpur city Uttar Pradesh India 25.72 81.96 282 79945
Deogalpur city Uttar Pradesh India 25.73 81.97 285 74669
Deogam city Gujarat India 23.55 73.62 830 41916
Deogan city Madhya Pradesh India 25.24 80.31 413 24997
Deogana city Uttar Pradesh India 26.75 81.35 347 82527
Deogana city Bihar India 25.32 84.24 246 126481
Deoganj city Uttar Pradesh India 27.38 79.08 830 70990
Deoganj city Uttar Pradesh India 27.35 79.15 830 69815
Deogaon city Rajasthan India 26.10 75.30 1105 16196
Deogaon city Uttar Pradesh India 25.75 82.99 282 95184
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 23.91 80.25 1669 8741
Deogaon city Chhattisgarh India 20.56 81.96 1230 17252
Deogaon city Odisha India 21.16 86.05 131 45884
Deogaon city Odisha India 20.55 83.42 830 25479
Deogaon city Uttar Pradesh India 25.31 79.40 830 33885
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 21.94 78.19 2509 24511
Deogaon city Chhattisgarh India 21.37 82.15 849 49330
Deogaon city Chhattisgarh India 21.43 82.60 977 11771
Deogaon city Chhattisgarh India 20.68 81.74 1072 13670
Deogaon city Chhattisgarh India 20.39 81.65 1669 15496
Deogaon city Chhattisgarh India 21.89 81.51 889 22682
Deogaon city Maharashtra India 18.43 77.37 1669 13046
Deogaon city Uttar Pradesh India 25.96 79.06 830 23949
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 24.59 82.20 830 33060
Deogaon city Maharashtra India 21.34 77.41 1669 21605
Deogaon city Maharashtra India 21.21 77.31 1230 53995
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 24.63 81.53 987 49066
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 24.63 81.53 1000 49066
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 22.76 78.36 1079 52691
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 24.01 81.40 1210 28114
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 24.06 81.44 1023 15787
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 21.66 78.24 2509 16986
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 24.93 80.31 830 29448
Deogaon city Uttar Pradesh India 26.18 81.05 380 62114
Deogaon city Uttar Pradesh India 26.61 83.68 229 152088
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 23.03 80.43 2060 9834
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 23.39 80.52 1669 17840
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 23.32 80.64 2080 74043
Deogaon city Maharashtra India 20.60 74.95 1030 27565
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 22.82 80.18 1669 9912
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 22.60 80.12 1669 12447
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 22.11 80.01 1187 17127
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 22.51 80.38 1669 14429
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 22.74 80.52 1669 15794
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 21.99 80.00 1036 31615
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 22.09 80.87 2030 12875
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 21.70 80.02 915 33992
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 21.64 80.27 935 28956
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 21.91 80.77 1932 12367
Deogaon city Chhattisgarh India 22.00 82.32 846 35651
Deogaon city Chhattisgarh India 21.76 83.00 830 47993
Deogaon city Chhattisgarh India 21.56 82.96 830 28050
Deogaon city Odisha India 21.02 82.66 1003 5474
Deogaon city Madhya Pradesh India 22.32 81.11 2575 12918
Deogaon city Chhattisgarh India 21.42 81.81 931 33656
Deogaon city Chhattisgarh India 20.91 82.02 951 30420
Deogaon city Chhattisgarh India 20.86 82.18 1010 8642
Deogaon city Chhattisgarh India 21.59 83.31 830 28012
Deogaon city Odisha India 21.36 83.58 830 81529
Deogaon city Bihar India 25.08 86.66 173 150433
Deogaon city Bihar India 25.66 87.75 91 99587
Deogaon city Bihar India 25.48 87.82 91 109184
Deogaon city Bihar India 25.98 85.32 124 138553
Deogaon Chakkar city Uttar Pradesh India 26.71 79.82 830 48268
Deogaontolā city Madhya Pradesh India 21.90 80.77 1991 12372
Deogarh city Rajasthan India 25.53 73.91 2093 21771
Deogarh city Rajasthan India 24.04 74.66 1745 16688
Deogarh city Jharkhand India 24.49 86.70 839 157667
Deogarh city Uttar Pradesh India 24.52 78.24 1115 12545
Deogarh city Rajasthan India 23.97 75.74 1669 19779
Deogarh city Madhya Pradesh India 21.88 78.74 1669 34684
Deogarh city Odisha India 21.54 84.73 830 14489
Deogarh city Rajasthan India 28.85 75.08 830 13164
Deogarh city Punjab India 29.94 76.04 830 45125
Deogarh city Rajasthan India 26.91 77.76 830 74117
Deogarh city Madhya Pradesh India 25.69 77.40 1669 12814
Deogarh city Madhya Pradesh India 25.93 77.92 1669 36418
Deogarh city Uttar Pradesh India 25.75 82.05 282 85771
Deogarh city Uttar Pradesh India 26.89 78.33 830 50024
Deogarh city Madhya Pradesh India 25.75 78.08 875 26218
Deogarh city Madhya Pradesh India 25.30 78.24 1056 15610
Deogarh city Madhya Pradesh India 25.14 78.42 961 45351
Deogarh city Uttar Pradesh India 24.91 78.62 1040 28446
Deogarh city Rajasthan India 26.21 74.41 1669 26613
Deogarh city Rajasthan India 26.03 74.51 1669 22052
Deogarh city Rajasthan India 26.27 74.25 1223 18846
Deogarh city Rajasthan India 26.49 74.67 1879 170198
Deogarh Kamasin city Uttar Pradesh India 25.76 82.04 278 86010
Deogarhia city Uttar Pradesh India 26.07 83.73 209 86948
Deogarhia city Chhattisgarh India 22.07 81.49 1040 23559
Deogarhwa city Uttar Pradesh India 27.21 83.22 301 76055
Deogaria city Uttar Pradesh India 26.47 82.14 318 79057
Deogarpur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.58 81.31 390 84639
Deogaum city Rajasthan India 24.08 74.05 830 39100
Deogawan city Uttar Pradesh India 27.13 81.11 830 70788
Deogawan city Uttar Pradesh India 28.23 78.32 830 71019
Deogawān city Madhya Pradesh India 23.98 80.89 1171 20142
Deoghar city Jharkhand India 24.49 86.70 839 157667
Deoghara city Bihar India 26.25 84.93 200 114312
Deoghara city Bihar India 25.03 86.56 219 81386
Deoghara city Jharkhand India 24.94 87.20 209 74429
Deogharia city Uttar Pradesh India 25.92 83.96 193 93797
Deoghat city Himachal Pradesh India 30.91 77.09 5029 50933
Deoghat city Uttar Pradesh India 24.90 82.04 377 48276
Deoghat city Madhya Pradesh India 22.39 79.80 1669 14965
Deoghat city Chhattisgarh India 22.08 81.68 958 56733
Deoghat city Maharashtra India 19.74 79.03 830 19818
Deoghata city Madhya Pradesh India 24.46 81.90 830 34228
Deoghata city Uttar Pradesh India 26.59 83.24 226 67840
Deoghata city Chhattisgarh India 21.77 82.89 830 51743
Deoghāt city Uttar Pradesh India 25.42 81.78 223 175316
Deoghāt city Maharashtra India 20.59 74.78 1243 27741
Deogire city Karnataka India 15.95 74.50 2509 107757
Deogiri city Maharashtra India 19.70 77.99 997 20579
Deogirja city Bihar India 26.40 87.83 193 79207
Deogirīa city Uttar Pradesh India 26.58 82.40 278 82893
Deogna city Madhya Pradesh India 24.40 80.59 1784 22916
Deognatola city Madhya Pradesh India 24.40 80.60 1807 22813
Deogol city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.44 75.20 5869 24330
Deogowalia Para city Gujarat India 22.79 74.26 954 100643
Deogudha city Rajasthan India 27.11 75.64 1669 32190
Deoguna city Bihar India 24.67 84.13 416 36356
Deogurwa city Jharkhand India 24.30 83.58 830 44478
Deogurāria city Madhya Pradesh India 23.06 76.28 1669 20887
Deogāh city Uttar Pradesh India 27.08 83.03 301 86886
Deogām city Rajasthan India 23.55 73.68 830 37846
Deogān city Odisha India 21.16 86.05 131 45884
Deogān city Odisha India 20.70 85.75 344 34234
Deogān city Odisha India 20.55 83.42 830 25479
Deogāon city Uttar Pradesh India 26.26 80.90 390 75059
Deogāon city Uttar Pradesh India 26.57 81.71 351 73832
Deogāon city Uttar Pradesh India 26.94 82.43 282 66347
Deogāon city Uttar Pradesh India 27.04 81.23 830 63524
Deogāon city Uttar Pradesh India 27.26 81.29 393 60438
Deogīr city Uttar Pradesh India 26.64 81.59 351 68440

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