
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Džabalpuras city Madhya Pradesh India 23.17 79.94 1669 187298
Džaipur city Rajasthan India 26.91 75.79 1669 636417
Džaipuras city Rajasthan India 26.91 75.79 1669 636417
Džaisalmér city Rajasthan India 26.92 70.91 830 155027
Džajpur city Rajasthan India 26.91 75.79 1669 636417
Džajpura city Rajasthan India 26.91 75.79 1669 636417
Džamu city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.74 74.87 1072 221393
Džodhpura city Rajasthan India 26.27 73.01 830 216918
Džodhpuras city Rajasthan India 26.27 73.01 830 216918
Džódpur city Rajasthan India 26.27 73.01 830 216918

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