
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Dūnan Galī city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.15 75.13 6709 6068
Dūnda city Madhya Pradesh India 22.73 78.42 1128 34513
Dūnda city Maharashtra India 21.20 80.15 935 25085
Dūnda Seoni city Madhya Pradesh India 22.11 78.98 2509 65477
Dūndenagar city Uttar Pradesh India 28.05 79.05 830 86514
Dūndi city Madhya Pradesh India 22.49 78.57 1850 13722
Dūndi city Rajasthan India 24.73 76.37 892 19817
Dūndi city Madhya Pradesh India 23.07 80.17 1669 20696
Dūndi Nagla city Uttar Pradesh India 27.88 79.41 830 40981
Dūndipura city Rajasthan India 26.27 76.69 839 14751
Dūndiyāghāt city Madhya Pradesh India 22.68 77.87 948 25822
Dūndiāpura city Uttar Pradesh India 26.91 78.03 830 52897
Dūndpur city Uttar Pradesh India 27.07 79.10 830 72764
Dūndpur city Uttar Pradesh India 28.39 78.90 830 56471
Dūndra city Uttar Pradesh India 25.86 80.75 344 69155
Dūndsa city Haryana India 28.25 77.30 830 149192
Dūndā city Madhya Pradesh India 22.67 79.99 1850 22344
Dūndāheri city Madhya Pradesh India 23.95 76.55 1669 13857
Dūndāpīpal city Uttarakhand India 28.90 79.45 830 44766
Dūndāra city Rajasthan India 25.89 72.80 830 15067
Dūndīpura city Uttar Pradesh India 26.90 78.03 830 52842
Dūneta city Uttarakhand India 30.44 78.20 6709 22405
Dūnga city Haryana India 30.59 77.11 1669 4171
Dūnga Bela city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.29 73.99 9228 11324
Dūngargaon city Rajasthan India 24.25 76.54 1082 9307
Dūngarpur city Uttar Pradesh India 27.09 79.94 416 84885
Dūngarpur city Uttar Pradesh India 25.90 83.24 206 74834
Dūngarpur city Uttar Pradesh India 28.16 78.03 830 83485
Dūngarpāra city Rajasthan India 23.25 74.30 1003 34904
Dūngarsinghpura city Rajasthan India 28.23 74.97 964 50456
Dūngas city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.76 74.09 3349 44860
Dūngi Chhapri city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.85 74.84 1860 79373
Dūngli Khera city Uttarakhand India 30.86 77.81 3694 8947
Dūnglu city Himachal Pradesh India 31.27 76.84 3612 38572
Dūngra city Rajasthan India 23.17 74.31 990 35406
Dūngra city Gujarat India 23.24 74.09 990 69606
Dūngra city Uttarakhand India 29.56 79.50 3490 38426
Dūngra Bara city Rajasthan India 23.18 74.31 987 35085
Dūngret city Rajasthan India 26.72 76.55 974 12962
Dūngri city Rajasthan India 26.14 76.94 830 14687
Dūngri city Uttarakhand India 30.83 77.86 6850 6564
Dūngri city Uttarakhand India 29.64 79.24 4189 20207
Dūngri city Uttarakhand India 29.51 79.67 4514 15926
Dūngria ki Ser city Rajasthan India 23.19 74.16 846 49693
Dūngrīkheri city Rajasthan India 24.50 76.32 1020 19966
Dūngrīpāra city Rajasthan India 23.18 74.37 1007 34958
Dūngrīpāra city Madhya Pradesh India 23.04 74.40 994 29281
Dūngsil city Uttarakhand India 29.34 79.57 4301 14037
Dūngānāla city Chhattisgarh India 22.34 82.34 994 35309
Dūngāpura city Rajasthan India 26.79 76.80 830 40105
Dūni city Madhya Pradesh India 21.79 77.71 1771 12675
Dūni city Uttarakhand India 29.99 78.82 4189 20788
Dūni Ijar city Uttarakhand India 29.66 79.36 4189 27242
Dūnmān city Haryana India 28.46 76.77 830 51814
Dūnra city Madhya Pradesh India 24.56 78.97 1145 19998
Dūnu city Himachal Pradesh India 30.97 77.18 5413 12994
Dūnāo city Uttar Pradesh India 27.40 79.39 830 58781

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