
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Cuddalore city Tamil Nadu India 11.75 79.76 3 84178
Cuddapah city Andhra Pradesh India 14.48 78.82 830 220755
Cudnem city Goa India 15.54 74.00 39 43813
Cuelim city Goa India 15.36 73.89 49 143435
Cuksi Udar city Himachal Pradesh India 31.28 78.01 9228 8518
Culabpura city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.37 74.70 5869 21052
Cullhāvinūr city Karnataka India 14.98 75.77 1669 20662
Cumarconda city Goa India 15.52 74.09 55 39638
Cumbala Hill city Maharashtra India 18.97 72.80 187 2289218
Cumballa Hill city Maharashtra India 18.97 72.80 187 2289218
Cumbari city India 15.17 74.27 830 6490
Cumbum city Andhra Pradesh India 15.58 79.11 830 33002
Cumtol city Goa India 15.52 74.20 318 8258
Cunchelim city Goa India 15.61 73.82 39 107396
Cuncolim city Goa India 15.18 73.99 45 88915
Cundacudvu city Kerala India 9.85 76.27 3 88877
Cundaim city Goa India 15.46 73.98 396 90271
Cunjāl Pāda city Maharashtra India 21.02 74.07 1863 21754
Cupa city Goa India 15.17 74.07 337 25474
Curca city Goa India 15.45 73.87 29 111069
Curchirem city Goa India 15.61 74.00 82 18625
Curchorem city Goa India 15.26 74.11 62 42802
Curchurem city Goa India 15.26 74.11 62 42802
Curdi city Goa India 15.15 74.18 137 10221
Curpem city Goa India 15.13 74.17 259 11341
Curti city Goa India 15.42 74.02 98 78809
Curtorim city Goa India 15.28 74.02 111 107457
Cutch Mandi city Gujarat India 22.83 69.35 3 46988
Cutch-Mandvi city Gujarat India 22.83 69.35 3 46988
Cuttack city Odisha India 20.52 85.79 206 89178
Cuvaimalai city Tamil Nadu India 10.96 79.33 85 132109
Cuñcinakoppa city Karnataka India 14.24 75.30 1919 33762
Cuṅgaḍipura city Karnataka India 12.04 76.98 2509 35822

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