
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Chubakia city Uttar Pradesh India 28.86 79.39 830 26492
Chubarpur city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.50 74.15 5869 32435
Chubha city India 27.72 88.75 9599 0
Chubhawal city Madhya Pradesh India 22.84 80.55 2014 13261
Chubhki city Uttar Pradesh India 25.88 81.52 311 135058
Chubilwa city Uttar Pradesh India 25.45 83.03 223 51065
Chubkiyāgarh city Rajasthan India 28.87 75.38 830 14512
Chubkiyātāl city Rajasthan India 28.84 75.33 830 14304

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