
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Choma city Madhya Pradesh India 23.66 76.22 1669 27886
Choma city Madhya Pradesh India 23.63 76.72 1669 20175
Choma Bību city Rajasthan India 25.08 76.12 856 19871
Choma Kot city Rajasthan India 25.10 76.12 830 20522
Choma Maliyan city Rajasthan India 25.10 76.12 830 20522
Chomakheri city Madhya Pradesh India 23.67 76.24 1669 29983
Chomanahalli city Karnataka India 13.12 75.93 3349 34138
Chombal city Kerala India 11.67 75.55 3 84954
Chomnagu city Sikkim India 27.42 88.78 13782 14476
Chomon city Madhya Pradesh India 25.17 78.85 958 21917
Chomortan city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.49 76.49 10908 149
Chompa city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.63 78.10 13782 0
Chompa city Andhra Pradesh India 18.31 82.87 3349 16405
Chompakari city Odisha India 18.36 81.93 830 20575
Chompuriang city Himachal Pradesh India 31.68 78.01 10387 2979
Chompāguda city Odisha India 18.78 82.69 2808 38243
Chompāpodoro city Odisha India 18.79 82.86 2919 27655
Chompāputtu city Andhra Pradesh India 18.45 82.44 3349 11826
Chomrari city Uttar Pradesh India 25.67 83.89 167 93955
Chomu city Rajasthan India 27.40 76.71 918 40796
Chomuling city Himachal Pradesh India 31.69 78.00 11856 2924
Chomun city Rajasthan India 27.17 75.72 1669 80370
Chomūn city Rajasthan India 25.14 74.85 1669 13218

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