
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Chepa city Chhattisgarh India 22.31 82.30 974 50295
Chepalaguda city Chhattisgarh India 18.99 81.90 1889 14304
Chepalle city Andhra Pradesh India 18.03 82.53 3572 10737
Chepara city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.09 75.87 5869 8497
Cheparti city Andhra Pradesh India 17.78 78.73 1863 31755
Chepatala city Karnataka India 16.88 77.34 2057 23479
Chepauk city Tamil Nadu India 13.06 80.28 45 1834533
Chepela city Rajasthan India 25.68 74.03 2060 22459
Chepha city Uttar Pradesh India 25.66 83.61 200 107073
Chephul city Bihar India 25.92 84.50 167 120366
Cheppakavu city Kerala India 11.75 75.83 2601 58781
Cheppal city Andhra Pradesh India 18.06 78.90 1669 55501
Cheppanur city Kerala India 12.02 75.38 52 63338
Cheppardhalli city Karnataka India 14.58 75.66 1906 64040
Chepparke city Karnataka India 13.77 74.74 124 30694
Chepri Thana city Himachal Pradesh India 31.31 77.38 6709 18970
Cheptaamb city Odisha India 18.97 82.61 2001 23074
Cheptibahāl city Odisha India 21.27 83.50 830 33885
Chepur city Andhra Pradesh India 18.81 78.33 1118 107018
Chepuru city Andhra Pradesh India 17.33 82.50 101 72492
Chepwe city Arunachal Pradesh India 28.61 95.49 5869 336
Chepzi city India 32.57 78.61 15948 0
Chepūr city Andhra Pradesh India 16.84 79.14 830 17541

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