
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Boru city Arunachal Pradesh India 28.27 94.59 2509 1583
Boru city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.91 74.75 5869 28907
Borubanda city Odisha India 18.65 82.99 3769 17248
Borugadda Tanda city Andhra Pradesh India 16.68 78.16 1863 26282
Borul city Maharashtra India 18.22 77.12 1804 26872
Borul city Maharashtra India 17.50 76.02 1669 23618
Borul city Karnataka India 18.21 77.42 1893 27443
Borunagūdem city Andhra Pradesh India 17.43 82.12 830 9240
Borunda city Rajasthan India 26.47 73.80 977 15491
Borung city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.73 75.67 7132 14456
Boruputtu city Odisha India 19.03 83.26 1801 16148
Boruputtu city Odisha India 18.59 82.74 3379 16587
Borus city Goa India 14.96 74.09 390 17387
Borut city Madhya Pradesh India 21.99 76.02 928 17413

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