UpAlphabetical listing of Places in India
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Bitha Akbar | city | Uttarakhand | India | 28.88 | 79.70 | 830 | 65585 |
Bithaili Debi | city | Bihar | India | 25.80 | 87.06 | 114 | 99974 |
Bithaili Debi Jagir | city | Bihar | India | 25.81 | 87.06 | 111 | 99974 |
Bithaili Dhanpat | city | Bihar | India | 25.81 | 87.06 | 114 | 98494 |
Bithal | city | Himachal Pradesh | India | 31.35 | 77.48 | 4261 | 13998 |
Bithala | city | Haryana | India | 28.46 | 76.52 | 830 | 40854 |
Bithaldah | city | Chhattisgarh | India | 22.25 | 81.72 | 1003 | 28831 |
Bithalpur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.79 | 82.04 | 282 | 83638 |
Bithalpur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.60 | 82.67 | 282 | 120951 |
Bithalpur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.44 | 82.34 | 272 | 131678 |
Bithalpur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.30 | 82.40 | 282 | 170374 |
Bithalpur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.12 | 82.82 | 275 | 53766 |
Bithalpur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.68 | 82.05 | 298 | 69203 |
Bithalpur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.37 | 82.10 | 301 | 92915 |
Bithalpur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.65 | 82.32 | 282 | 62152 |
Bithalpur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.99 | 83.16 | 209 | 154220 |
Bithalpur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.46 | 83.23 | 206 | 96857 |
Bithalpur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.02 | 83.09 | 229 | 191115 |
Bithalpur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.43 | 83.58 | 203 | 166118 |
Bithalpur | city | Bihar | India | 24.91 | 86.21 | 255 | 120496 |
Bithalpur Mahdewa | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.24 | 82.56 | 262 | 185654 |
Bithalpur Pahladpur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 28.04 | 79.79 | 830 | 52530 |
Bithalpurwa | city | Bihar | India | 25.57 | 84.08 | 183 | 55884 |
Bithama | city | West Bengal | India | 24.41 | 87.99 | 98 | 99379 |
Bithan | city | Haryana | India | 28.62 | 75.74 | 830 | 22946 |
Bithan | city | Bihar | India | 25.70 | 86.28 | 118 | 171757 |
Bithar | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.42 | 80.56 | 416 | 27416 |
Bithar | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.77 | 82.77 | 278 | 144583 |
Bithar | city | Uttarakhand | India | 29.62 | 79.43 | 5085 | 51512 |
Bithar | city | Bihar | India | 26.59 | 85.98 | 180 | 88332 |
Bithara Mādho | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.29 | 81.04 | 830 | 61789 |
Bithari | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.59 | 78.72 | 830 | 10826 |
Bithari | city | Himachal Pradesh | India | 30.82 | 77.66 | 6049 | 13763 |
Bithari | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.40 | 80.05 | 830 | 69203 |
Bitharia | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.19 | 82.58 | 285 | 111829 |
Bitharia | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.78 | 83.46 | 209 | 103073 |
Bitharia Bazar | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.19 | 82.58 | 285 | 103985 |
Bitharia Paraspur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.34 | 82.23 | 337 | 36255 |
Bitharku | city | Himachal Pradesh | India | 30.57 | 77.69 | 4386 | 22392 |
Bithauli | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.89 | 79.11 | 830 | 40081 |
Bithauli | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.44 | 79.19 | 406 | 42633 |
Bithauli | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.01 | 78.70 | 830 | 65744 |
Bithauli | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.72 | 79.78 | 830 | 29374 |
Bithauli | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 24.56 | 82.04 | 898 | 27606 |
Bithauli | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.93 | 78.51 | 830 | 58270 |
Bithauli | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.42 | 82.34 | 262 | 134777 |
Bithauli | city | Bihar | India | 26.02 | 86.08 | 157 | 121816 |
Bithauna | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.79 | 78.67 | 351 | 46633 |
Bithauni | city | Bihar | India | 26.41 | 86.24 | 193 | 86117 |
Bithaura | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.70 | 83.52 | 200 | 100005 |
Bithaura | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.21 | 81.38 | 344 | 59585 |
Bithaura Kalān | city | Rajasthan | India | 25.67 | 73.60 | 889 | 15136 |
Bithaura Khurd | city | Rajasthan | India | 25.70 | 73.57 | 862 | 14994 |
Bithe | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 33.22 | 75.96 | 9363 | 298 |
Bithgaon | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 24.70 | 83.10 | 971 | 30051 |
Bithi | city | Uttarakhand | India | 29.97 | 79.86 | 5226 | 24326 |
Bithia | city | Chhattisgarh | India | 21.36 | 81.89 | 941 | 30795 |
Bithiria | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.42 | 82.61 | 321 | 72232 |
Bithla | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 24.79 | 78.02 | 1669 | 10363 |
Bithlapur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.75 | 82.38 | 272 | 70894 |
Bithlapur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.45 | 82.76 | 259 | 72683 |
Bithli | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 21.87 | 80.49 | 1850 | 12478 |
Bithli | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 22.10 | 79.59 | 2020 | 71969 |
Bithli | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 21.97 | 80.84 | 1863 | 13588 |
Bithloda | city | Rajasthan | India | 27.66 | 76.07 | 1230 | 54533 |
Bithmara | city | Haryana | India | 29.54 | 75.93 | 830 | 44262 |
Bithna | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.81 | 77.99 | 830 | 56808 |
Bithnauli | city | Bihar | India | 25.81 | 87.36 | 101 | 72789 |
Bithni | city | Bihar | India | 25.33 | 84.16 | 239 | 91807 |
Bithnok | city | Rajasthan | India | 27.86 | 72.72 | 830 | 3278 |
Bitholi | city | Uttarakhand | India | 29.76 | 79.36 | 4189 | 32219 |
Bitholi | city | Uttarakhand | India | 29.77 | 79.37 | 4288 | 33420 |
Bithora | city | Rajasthan | India | 25.51 | 73.18 | 830 | 13734 |
Bithra | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.43 | 79.22 | 830 | 59160 |
Bithra | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.35 | 80.96 | 393 | 60497 |
Bithra | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.24 | 82.45 | 285 | 88911 |
Bithra | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 28.72 | 79.87 | 830 | 45060 |
Bithra | city | Bihar | India | 25.09 | 84.79 | 213 | 76229 |
Bithri | city | Himachal Pradesh | India | 31.41 | 77.13 | 5869 | 7352 |
Bithri | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 28.34 | 79.50 | 830 | 89772 |
Bithri | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 28.51 | 79.64 | 830 | 91053 |
Bithri Chainpur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 28.34 | 79.51 | 830 | 81275 |
Biththalnagar | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.42 | 77.58 | 830 | 41273 |
Bithua | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.88 | 82.98 | 275 | 103447 |
Bithua | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.90 | 82.44 | 278 | 183375 |
Bithua | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.11 | 83.85 | 200 | 126140 |
Bithua | city | Bihar | India | 26.45 | 84.09 | 223 | 131708 |
Bithuli | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.14 | 80.79 | 413 | 77152 |
Bithuna | city | Bihar | India | 26.13 | 84.64 | 209 | 125642 |
Bithur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.61 | 80.27 | 360 | 149486 |
Bithur | city | Rajasthan | India | 26.27 | 74.63 | 1669 | 19473 |
Bithuria No. 1 | city | Uttarakhand | India | 29.23 | 79.52 | 1669 | 77823 |
Bithuria No. 2 | city | Uttarakhand | India | 29.23 | 79.50 | 1669 | 71609 |
Bithuria Number One | city | Uttarakhand | India | 29.23 | 79.52 | 1669 | 77823 |
Bithuria Number Two | city | Uttarakhand | India | 29.23 | 79.50 | 1669 | 71609 |
Bithwa | city | Bihar | India | 25.31 | 84.21 | 246 | 111448 |
Bithwa Ther | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 29.14 | 78.71 | 830 | 76229 |
Bithwal Kalān | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.10 | 83.19 | 232 | 33977 |
Bithwal Khurd | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.10 | 83.19 | 232 | 33326 |
Bithwar | city | Bihar | India | 25.16 | 83.53 | 223 | 56253 |
Bithwara | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.31 | 78.61 | 830 | 45653 |
Bithwāla | city | Uttarakhand | India | 30.38 | 78.22 | 5351 | 22750 |
Bithwāra | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.29 | 78.64 | 830 | 49078 |
Bithāin | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.08 | 80.15 | 830 | 64986 |
Bithāmai | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 28.24 | 78.90 | 830 | 63177 |
Bithāni | city | Uttarakhand | India | 29.96 | 78.45 | 3674 | 7550 |
Bithāro | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.36 | 80.12 | 830 | 94521 |
Bithāwar | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.33 | 83.23 | 219 | 100324 |
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