
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Āwagarh city Maharashtra India 21.60 77.46 2509 4798
Āwalgaon city Maharashtra India 20.37 79.68 830 19866
Āwalgaon city Maharashtra India 18.98 76.62 1233 18069
Āwanyūr city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.76 75.03 5354 58905
Āwargani city Madhya Pradesh India 21.73 79.35 1669 11548
Āwaria city Madhya Pradesh India 23.51 78.50 1975 16063
Āwatkul city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.45 74.29 5144 30184
Āwe city Uttarakhand India 29.42 79.30 2549 0
Āwhayunaspur city Maharashtra India 20.79 76.09 941 29277
Āwi Hāfizpur city Uttar Pradesh India 28.99 78.52 830 47119
Āwli city Uttarakhand India 30.49 78.25 6118 16882
Āwni city Madhya Pradesh India 25.87 76.63 830 14711
Āwän city Rajasthan India 24.93 76.10 830 20323
Āwānkot city Punjab India 31.07 76.58 872 42902

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