
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
उज्जैन city Madhya Pradesh India 23.18 75.78 1669 269757
उत्तर लखिमपुर city Assam India 27.24 94.11 291 45931
उत्तर-लखिमपुरम् city Assam India 27.24 94.11 291 45931
उत्तरी लखीमपुर city Assam India 27.24 94.11 291 45931
उदगमंदलम city Tamil Nadu India 11.41 76.70 7549 88694
उदगीर city Maharashtra India 18.39 77.12 2086 75675
उदयपुर city Rajasthan India 24.58 73.69 1909 112533
उदयपुरम् city Rajasthan India 24.58 73.69 1909 112533
उदयपूर city Rajasthan India 24.58 73.69 1909 112533
उधमपुर city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.92 75.14 2509 94621
उधमपुरम् city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.92 75.14 2509 94621
उधमपूर city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.92 75.14 2509 94621
उन्नाव city Uttar Pradesh India 26.55 80.49 830 123711
उमरगा city Maharashtra India 17.84 76.62 1902 49879
उमरेड city Maharashtra India 20.85 79.32 954 54961
उरण city Maharashtra India 18.88 72.94 68 60820
उलीची city Andhra Pradesh India 15.55 80.16 26 47802
उल्हासनगर city Maharashtra India 19.22 73.15 62 556712
उस्मानाबाद city Maharashtra India 18.18 76.04 2509 71784

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