Directory of Cities and Towns in None, Greece


Alphabetical listing of Places in None

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Episkopion city Greece 37.77 24.92 190 2854
Episkopió city Greece 37.77 24.92 190 2854
Episkopí city Greece 37.77 24.92 190 2854
Kapparia city Greece 37.77 24.92 190 2854
Keraseai city Greece 38.63 22.01 4291 338
Kerasiés city Greece 38.63 22.01 4291 338
Kotsana city Greece 40.74 21.82 2509 1421
Megalo Sividrik city Greece 41.11 24.00 137 4438
Megalokambos city Greece 41.11 24.00 137 4438
Megalokampos city Greece 41.11 24.00 137 4438
Peraia city Greece 40.74 21.82 2509 1421
Piskopiá city Greece 37.75 24.92 311 2188
Póndioi city Greece 41.05 24.05 111 4807
Sinoikismos Pondion city Greece 41.05 24.05 111 4807
Sourousti city Greece 38.63 22.01 4291 338
Vorino city Greece 37.77 24.92 190 2854
Voriná city Greece 37.77 24.92 190 2854
Zoriánon city Greece 38.56 22.03 3349 437
Zoriános city Greece 38.56 22.03 3349 437
Ζοριάνος city Greece 38.56 22.03 3349 437
Καππαριά city Greece 37.77 24.92 190 2854
Κερασέαι city Greece 38.63 22.01 4291 338
Κερασιές city Greece 38.63 22.01 4291 338
Μεγαλόκαμπος city Greece 41.11 24.00 137 4438
Περαία city Greece 40.74 21.82 2509 1421

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