Directory of Cities and Towns in Saint John, Grenada

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Saint John

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Charlotte Town city Saint John Grenada 12.17 -61.73 288 16294
Clozier city Saint John Grenada 12.14 -61.70 1669 29121
Concord city Saint John Grenada 12.12 -61.73 1249 23354
Dothan city Saint John Grenada 12.13 -61.73 921 22268
Florida city Saint John Grenada 12.16 -61.70 889 24350
Gouave city Saint John Grenada 12.17 -61.73 288 16294
Gouyave city Saint John Grenada 12.17 -61.73 288 16294
Goyave city Saint John Grenada 12.17 -61.73 288 16294
Grand Roy city Saint John Grenada 12.13 -61.75 830 16437
Guyave city Saint John Grenada 12.17 -61.73 288 16294
Mabouya city Saint John Grenada 12.15 -61.73 830 18303
Marigot city Saint John Grenada 12.12 -61.75 91 17472
Mon Plaisir city Saint John Grenada 12.12 -61.72 1669 26057
Mount Nesbit city Saint John Grenada 12.13 -61.72 1679 24754
Mount Nesbit Land Settlement city Saint John Grenada 12.13 -61.72 1679 24754
Paradise city Saint John Grenada 12.13 -61.68 830 32226
Rosemont city Saint John Grenada 12.15 -61.70 1669 27811
Saint Mary city Saint John Grenada 12.15 -61.70 1669 27811
The Lance city Saint John Grenada 12.17 -61.72 830 18822

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