Directory of Cities and Towns in None, Grenada

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Alphabetical listing of Places in None

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Argyle city Grenada 12.45 -61.48 6 6192
Belair city Grenada 12.48 -61.43 0 7124
Belvedere city Grenada 12.50 -61.43 121 6522
Bogles city Grenada 12.50 -61.43 121 6522
Corbeau Town city Grenada 12.03 -61.72 193 28705
Diego Piece city Grenada 12.20 -61.67 869 22483
Dover city Grenada 12.50 -61.43 121 6522
Dumfries city Grenada 12.47 -61.47 164 7494
Grand Bay city Grenada 12.48 -61.43 0 7124
Hermitage city Grenada 12.45 -61.47 0 6650
Hillsborough city Grenada 12.48 -61.47 22 7809
L'Appelle city Grenada 12.52 -61.43 3 5158
L'Esterre city Grenada 12.47 -61.48 150 7022
La Poterie city Grenada 12.17 -61.61 13 19931
L’Appelle city Grenada 12.52 -61.43 3 5158
L’Esterre city Grenada 12.47 -61.48 150 7022
Maran city Grenada 12.18 -61.72 390 17421
Meldrum city Grenada 12.50 -61.43 121 6522
Morne Jaloux city Grenada 12.13 -61.68 830 32226
Mount Pleasant city Grenada 12.47 -61.43 0 7151
Plaisance Land Settlement city Grenada 12.13 -61.68 830 32226
Pomme Rose city Grenada 12.05 -61.65 111 18091
Six Roads city Grenada 12.47 -61.45 164 7749
Tivoli city Grenada 12.17 -61.62 26 23353
Windward city Grenada 12.52 -61.43 3 5158

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