Directory of Cities and Towns in Longford, Ireland

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Longford

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Abbeylara city Longford Ireland 53.77 -7.45 272 1715
Abbeyshrule city Longford Ireland 53.58 -7.65 236 1116
An Lios Breac city Longford Ireland 53.77 -7.83 239 5898
An Longfort city Longford Ireland 53.73 -7.80 236 9819
Ardach city Longford Ireland 53.67 -7.70 393 1300
Ardagh city Longford Ireland 53.67 -7.70 393 1300
Ards city Longford Ireland 53.63 -7.83 252 1221
Baile Uí Mhatháin city Longford Ireland 53.57 -7.77 216 2202
Ballinalee city Longford Ireland 53.77 -7.63 249 1531
Ballinamuck city Longford Ireland 53.87 -7.72 308 1483
Ballymahon city Longford Ireland 53.57 -7.77 216 2202
Barry city Longford Ireland 53.60 -7.77 249 2016
Bawn Cross Roads city Longford Ireland 53.67 -7.77 337 3950
Beal Atha na Lao city Longford Ireland 53.77 -7.63 249 1531
Briskil city Longford Ireland 53.78 -7.82 249 5168
Briskil Lower city Longford Ireland 53.78 -7.82 249 5168
Briskil Upper city Longford Ireland 53.80 -7.80 249 2544
Bunlahy city Longford Ireland 53.80 -7.58 249 1384
Béal Átha Liag city Longford Ireland 53.67 -7.98 252 1853
Caltragh city Longford Ireland 53.60 -7.93 830 1193
Caonach city Longford Ireland 53.62 -7.80 249 1596
Carrickboy city Longford Ireland 53.63 -7.68 308 1319
Cleraun city Longford Ireland 53.55 -7.95 203 547
Cloonart city Longford Ireland 53.80 -7.88 216 1768
Corlea city Longford Ireland 53.62 -7.87 259 952
Cornacullew city Longford Ireland 53.88 -7.72 255 1431
Crossea city Longford Ireland 53.67 -7.63 249 2177
Culray city Longford Ireland 53.82 -7.57 249 1383
Derryad city Longford Ireland 53.60 -7.87 239 917
Droim Lis city Longford Ireland 53.82 -7.77 298 2117
Drumderg city Longford Ireland 53.82 -7.65 830 1652
Druming city Longford Ireland 53.65 -7.70 387 1184
Drumlish city Longford Ireland 53.82 -7.77 298 2117
Drumnee city Longford Ireland 53.57 -7.88 203 768
Drumnee Lower city Longford Ireland 53.57 -7.88 203 768
Drumnee Upper city Longford Ireland 53.57 -7.88 203 768
Edgeworthstown city Longford Ireland 53.70 -7.62 246 2075
Esker city Longford Ireland 53.78 -7.72 252 2346
Esker South city Longford Ireland 53.78 -7.72 252 2346
Formoyle city Longford Ireland 53.62 -7.83 246 1300
Foygh city Longford Ireland 53.60 -7.83 236 1424
Gránard city Longford Ireland 53.77 -7.50 830 2288
Keenagh city Longford Ireland 53.62 -7.80 249 1596
Kenagh city Longford Ireland 53.62 -7.80 249 1596
Killashee city Longford Ireland 53.68 -7.88 255 1248
Killasona city Longford Ireland 53.73 -7.48 295 1629
Lanesborough city Longford Ireland 53.67 -7.98 252 1853
Legan city Longford Ireland 53.62 -7.62 236 1250
Legga city Longford Ireland 53.90 -7.67 357 1475
Leggah city Longford Ireland 53.90 -7.67 357 1475
Lenamore city Longford Ireland 53.62 -7.62 236 1250
Lisbreac city Longford Ireland 53.77 -7.83 239 5898
Lisryan city Longford Ireland 53.73 -7.50 308 1862
Longford city Longford Ireland 53.73 -7.80 236 9819
Longfordas city Longford Ireland 53.73 -7.80 236 9819
Mainistir Leathratha city Longford Ireland 53.77 -7.45 272 1715
Mainistir Shruthla city Longford Ireland 53.58 -7.65 236 1116
Meathas Troim city Longford Ireland 53.70 -7.62 246 2075
Meathas Truim city Longford Ireland 53.70 -7.62 246 2075
Meathus Truim city Longford Ireland 53.70 -7.62 246 2075
Melkagh city Longford Ireland 53.83 -7.75 328 1902
Moate city Longford Ireland 53.55 -7.72 249 1620
Mostrim city Longford Ireland 53.70 -7.62 246 2075
Moydow city Longford Ireland 53.67 -7.77 337 3950
Moyne city Longford Ireland 53.90 -7.63 830 1650
Moyne Cross Roads city Longford Ireland 53.92 -7.63 377 1612
Mullanalaghta city Longford Ireland 53.83 -7.52 351 1784
Mullawornia city Longford Ireland 53.58 -7.80 226 2032
Newtown Forbes city Longford Ireland 53.77 -7.83 239 5898
Newtownforbes city Longford Ireland 53.77 -7.83 239 5898
Pallas city Longford Ireland 53.57 -7.70 229 1364
Richmount Hill city Longford Ireland 53.63 -7.70 341 1261
Taghsheenod city Longford Ireland 53.62 -7.72 282 1394
Taghshinny city Longford Ireland 53.60 -7.72 239 1556
Гранард city Longford Ireland 53.77 -7.50 830 2288
Лонгфорд city Longford Ireland 53.73 -7.80 236 9819
لونجفورد city Longford Ireland 53.73 -7.80 236 9819
لونگفرڈ city Longford Ireland 53.73 -7.80 236 9819
लाँगफ़र्ड city Longford Ireland 53.73 -7.80 236 9819
გრანარდი city Longford Ireland 53.77 -7.50 830 2288
ლონგფორდი city Longford Ireland 53.73 -7.80 236 9819
ロングフォード city Longford Ireland 53.73 -7.80 236 9819
朗福德 city Longford Ireland 53.73 -7.80 236 9819
롱퍼드 city Longford Ireland 53.73 -7.80 236 9819

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