
Alphabetical listing of Places in Ad Daqahliyah

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
El Biglat city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.16 31.63 16 157684
El Geneina city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.10 31.69 16 138957
El Kafr el Gedîd city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.17 31.83 32 122940
El Makatiet city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.89 31.56 39 72296
El Mataria city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.18 32.03 26 167740
El Qustantiniya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.23 31.47 13 89496
El Senbellawein City city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.88 31.46 39 347086
El Yuseffya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.02 31.74 13 47182
El-Aḥmadîya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.19 31.59 13 189718
El-Aḥmadîya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.19 31.97 6 161085
El-Baddâla city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.10 31.43 16 446889
El-Bagalât city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.16 31.63 16 157684
El-Baggar city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.42 31.84 29 207279
El-Bahw Fireik city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.95 31.36 26 110161
El-Bailuq city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.95 31.29 13 418249
El-Bakkariya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.83 31.48 52 163063
El-Balamun city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.82 31.44 39 117517
El-Baqlia city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.96 31.42 52 108302
El-Baqlîya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.96 31.42 52 108302
El-Barâmûn city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.12 31.45 22 262160
El-Bashnîn city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.82 31.48 42 105996
El-Beida city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.94 31.56 78 98437
El-Beida wa Kafr Muhammad Shahin city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.94 31.56 78 98437
El-Busrat city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.17 31.88 26 140334
El-Bûha city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.77 31.32 26 276388
El-Costantinîya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.23 31.47 13 89496
El-Dabbuniya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.67 31.32 45 150292
El-Dahri city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.23 31.62 26 198789
El-Dahriya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.23 31.62 26 198789
El-Damayra city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.25 31.42 16 91007
El-Danabiq city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.05 31.45 29 540381
El-Daraksa city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.12 31.64 36 282331
El-Deir city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.89 31.30 29 122707
El-Deiris and Kafr Latif city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.92 31.27 52 315130
El-Deitis & Kafr Latif city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.92 31.27 52 315130
El-Deitus wa Kafr Latif city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.92 31.27 52 315130
El-Dirwatein city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.13 31.33 29 68851
El-Furusat city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.15 31.92 39 129408
El-Furusut city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.15 31.92 39 129408
El-Galayla city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.83 31.50 82 110376
El-Gamalîya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.18 31.87 32 129794
El-Gamamla city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.18 32.01 29 195070
El-Gauwadiya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.19 31.42 16 94677
El-Gawâbir city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.16 31.82 29 123436
El-Gbarraqa city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.88 31.32 3 58917
El-Gharraqa city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.88 31.32 3 58917
El-Gineina city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.10 31.69 16 138957
El-Hasayna city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.41 31.83 32 234713
El-Hasâyina city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.91 31.50 59 227266
El-Inshasiya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.84 31.32 85 43593
El-Kamâl city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.95 31.50 59 78808
El-Khalig city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.03 31.52 16 85916
El-Khalâyfa city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.17 31.99 42 210748
El-Khamasa city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.93 31.65 65 84762
El-Khashashna city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.08 31.57 26 264447
El-Khilala Bilqas Qism Rabi city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.32 31.45 13 42724
El-Khiyârîya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.08 31.42 26 562615
El-Khuleifîya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.37 31.76 13 249631
El-Kurama city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.06 31.61 16 283840
El-Kurdi city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.17 31.77 39 123523
El-Kurdl city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.18 31.73 36 107353
El-Ma`sara city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.66 31.28 78 242839
El-Ma`sara city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.22 31.31 36 118653
El-Makhzan city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.95 31.45 82 159991
El-Malaqa city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.51 31.85 0 127115
El-Malha city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.99 31.51 85 62422
El-Mandara city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.85 31.26 118 43576
El-Mansoera city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.04 31.38 13 684327
El-Manyal city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.12 31.39 16 295269
El-Manzala city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.16 31.94 52 140306
El-Manṣûra city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.04 31.38 13 684327
El-Maqat`a city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.89 31.56 39 72296
El-Maqâṭ‘a city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.89 31.56 39 72296
El-Masûra city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.04 31.38 13 684327
El-Matariya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.18 32.03 26 167740
El-Matwa city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.95 31.45 82 106061
El-Mawagid city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.16 31.88 36 136844
El-Maḥmûdîya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.08 31.70 29 62355
El-Ma‘ṣara city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.66 31.28 78 242839
El-Ma‘ṣara city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.22 31.31 36 118653
El-Minya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.41 31.81 36 274471
El-Mirsâh city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.08 31.57 26 264447
El-Musta`mara el-Sharqiya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.37 31.42 13 43149
El-Musta‘mara el-Sharqîya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.37 31.42 13 43149
El-Nasayma city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.21 31.99 36 135736
El-Nasimiya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.02 31.57 16 57322
El-Nazl city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.16 31.67 16 136244
El-Nâṣira city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.06 31.54 13 160018
El-Qaitun city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.60 31.31 26 81557
El-Qalyubiya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.11 31.57 29 257009
El-Qatsha city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.18 32.00 36 212549
El-Qazâqza city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.16 31.97 13 169823
El-Qibab el-Kubra city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.09 31.53 26 216419
El-Qibâb el-Ṣughra city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.09 31.56 16 268878
El-Riyâd city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.16 31.74 32 116037
El-Rub` city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.96 31.53 45 81093
El-Rub‘ city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.96 31.53 45 81093
El-Rîdânîya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.07 31.45 26 539004
El-Sabakha city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.97 31.37 91 178044
El-Sadakha city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.97 31.37 91 178044
El-Saiyâla city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.40 31.82 32 253278
El-Samahiga el-Kubra city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.24 31.37 9 168179
El-Samara city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.92 31.63 62 89930
El-Samâḥiya el-Kubra city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.24 31.37 9 168179
El-Satâmûni city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.34 31.37 9 43359
El-Satâyta city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.15 31.90 19 131084
El-Shawâmi city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.28 31.36 9 61325
El-Sheikh Durghâm city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.48 31.83 26 205889
El-Sheikh Radwan city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.07 31.52 26 194326
El-Shibûl city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.21 31.97 26 122381
El-Shu`ara city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.40 31.79 45 303202
El-Shu‘ara city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.40 31.79 45 303202
El-Simbillawein city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.88 31.46 39 347086
El-Tamad el-Hagar city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.95 31.47 68 165994
El-Tamas el-Hagar city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.95 31.47 68 165994
El-Yusifiya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.02 31.74 13 47182
El-Zireiqi city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.93 31.43 6 174991
El-Zummar city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.97 31.48 62 65576
El-`Adliya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.39 31.76 22 266133
El-`Amarha city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.16 31.97 36 165253
El-`Amarna city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.16 31.97 36 165253
El-`Amid city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.91 31.54 39 117495
El-`Amra city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.14 31.90 36 120603
El-`Asafra city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.17 32.01 39 201376
El-`Awadliya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.41 31.84 32 226821
El-`Azazna city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.12 31.55 29 200580
El-`Aziza city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.18 31.96 29 155833
El-`Inmiyid city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.91 31.54 39 117495
El-`Urban city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.19 31.98 22 202791
El-Ḥagâyza city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.85 31.59 39 107661
El-Ḥawata city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.17 31.98 16 202091
El-Ḥawâwsha city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.99 31.36 95 365625
El-Ḥaṣâyna city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.91 31.50 59 227266
El-Ḥiṣaṣ city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.21 31.52 19 190543
El-Ḥâkmîya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.62 31.33 36 41988
El-Ṣabrîya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.22 31.58 13 192668
El-Ṣalâḥât city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.00 31.63 19 32654
El-Ṭaiyibe city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.13 31.31 26 49209
El-Ṭawîla city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.12 31.42 22 264007
El-‘Amarha city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.16 31.97 36 165253
El-‘Amârna city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.16 31.97 36 165253
El-‘Amîd city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.91 31.54 39 117495
El-‘Awâdlîya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.41 31.84 32 226821
El-‘Azîza city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.18 31.96 29 155833
El-‘Aṣâfra city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.17 32.01 39 201376
El-‘Inmiyid city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.91 31.54 39 117495
El-‘Urbân city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.19 31.98 22 202791
El-‘Âdlîya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.39 31.76 22 266133
El-‘Âmra city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.14 31.90 36 120603
El-‘Âzazna city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.12 31.55 29 200580
Es Simbillāwein city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.88 31.46 39 347086
Et Tawīla city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.12 31.42 22 264007
Ezab al Basarta city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.38 31.79 22 254074
Ezbet Abu Amâsha city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.32 31.42 16 43359
Ezbet Abu Dishisha city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.30 31.35 19 46104
Ezbet Abu al Eihein Muhmmad Shiddu city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.37 31.37 13 43359
Ezbet Bahr al Ish city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.29 31.41 13 52381
Ezbet El Rawda city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.90 31.41 55 195626
Ezbet Gafar Bey city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 30.91 31.55 36 86018
Ezbet Gamasa al Gharbiya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.44 31.55 16 15849
Ezbet Hasan Shakir city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.18 31.66 36 147017
Ezbet Hasan Shi`ir city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.27 31.47 22 46052
Ezbet Hasan Shiir city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.27 31.47 22 46052
Ezbet Said Pasha Zulfiqar city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.32 31.35 26 43359
Ezbet Sibell city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.43 31.82 32 306147
Ezbet Sursuq city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.07 31.33 9 449066
Ezbet al Fawayid al Bahariya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.43 31.35 16 43359
Ezbet al Gahari city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.27 31.32 22 81088
Ezbet al Mahmudiya city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.08 31.70 29 62355
Ezbet al Nashra city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.26 31.36 22 150605
Ezbet al Raml city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.44 31.83 32 282429
Ezbet al Roda city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.13 31.40 9 200381
Ezbet al Sabat Komat city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.30 31.32 19 43359
Ezbet al Tawabra city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.16 31.97 36 169823
Ezbet el-Burg city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.51 31.84 9 137325
Ezbet Ḥasan Shi‘îr city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.27 31.47 22 46052
Ezbets Tir`et Ghuneim city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.27 31.49 22 53445
Ezbets Tir‘et Ghuneim city Ad Daqahliyah Egypt 31.27 31.49 22 53445

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