
Alphabetical listing of Places in None

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Haagerup city Denmark 55.17 10.37 154 4616
Haarby city Denmark 55.22 10.12 62 6019
Haare city Denmark 55.37 9.92 82 3434
Haarslev city Denmark 55.50 10.10 111 3126
Haastrup city Denmark 55.17 10.20 252 4389
Haekkebolle city Denmark 55.42 10.03 196 3740
Hagerup city Denmark 55.17 10.37 154 4616
Halsmose city Denmark 55.17 10.17 114 3178
Hannesborg city Denmark 55.38 10.65 49 7510
Hannesborg Huse city Denmark 55.38 10.65 49 7510
Harby city Denmark 55.22 10.12 62 6019
Harendrup city Denmark 55.47 10.03 114 2401
Harndrup city Denmark 55.47 10.03 114 2401
Harreslev city Denmark 55.55 10.12 59 4164
Harritslev city Denmark 55.55 10.12 59 4164
Harritslevgaard city Denmark 55.55 10.12 59 4164
Harritslevgård city Denmark 55.55 10.12 59 4164
Harslev city Denmark 55.50 10.10 111 3126
Hasmark city Denmark 55.55 10.47 3 2035
Hastrup city Denmark 55.17 10.20 252 4389
Hauge city Denmark 55.43 10.40 9 38118
Havbolle city Denmark 54.85 10.72 55 2251
Havbølle city Denmark 54.85 10.72 55 2251
Have city Denmark 55.43 10.40 9 38118
Haven city Denmark 54.95 10.23 32 429
Havgaard city Denmark 55.47 10.18 98 1733
Havgaard city Denmark 54.90 10.80 9 2136
Havgård city Denmark 54.90 10.80 9 2136
Havgård city Denmark 55.47 10.18 98 1733
Havndrup city Denmark 55.30 10.57 164 11543
Havrekobbel city Denmark 54.93 10.28 59 993
Havrevaenge city Denmark 55.27 10.45 246 9892
Havrevænge city Denmark 55.27 10.45 246 9892
Heden city Denmark 55.25 10.38 164 6838
Heldager city Denmark 55.10 10.60 213 16433
Helletoft city Denmark 55.02 10.87 16 1487
Helletofte city Denmark 55.02 10.87 16 1487
Hellev city Denmark 54.97 10.58 19 4537
Hellöv city Denmark 54.97 10.58 19 4537
Helnaes city Denmark 55.13 10.03 3 566
Helnaes By city Denmark 55.13 10.03 3 566
Helnæs city Denmark 55.13 10.03 3 566
Helnæs By city Denmark 55.13 10.03 3 566
Helsned city Denmark 54.83 10.68 68 1951
Hemmerslev city Denmark 55.50 10.17 131 1565
Hennetved city Denmark 54.85 10.75 19 1953
Henninge city Denmark 54.92 10.73 42 6878
Herrested city Denmark 55.27 10.62 196 4973
Herringe city Denmark 55.20 10.45 206 5158
Herslev city Denmark 54.88 10.75 39 3681
Hersnap city Denmark 55.52 10.68 49 2829
Hesbjaerg city Denmark 55.40 10.15 272 8244
Hesbjaerg Huse city Denmark 55.40 10.15 272 8244
Hesbjerg city Denmark 55.40 10.15 272 8244
Hesbjerg Huse city Denmark 55.40 10.15 272 8244
Hesbjærg city Denmark 55.40 10.15 272 8244
Hesbjærg Huse city Denmark 55.40 10.15 272 8244
Hesle city Denmark 55.32 10.02 187 3265
Hesselager city Denmark 55.17 10.75 78 3279
Hesselbjaerg city Denmark 55.25 10.05 213 2956
Hesselbjaerg city Denmark 54.82 10.68 45 2008
Hesselbjaerg Huse city Denmark 55.07 10.93 0 1132
Hesselbjerg city Denmark 55.25 10.05 213 2956
Hesselbjerg city Denmark 54.82 10.68 45 2008
Hesselbjerg Gaard city Denmark 55.25 10.05 213 2956
Hesselbjærg city Denmark 54.82 10.68 45 2008
Hesselbjærg city Denmark 55.25 10.05 213 2956
Hesselbjærg Huse city Denmark 55.07 10.93 0 1132
Hessum city Denmark 55.50 10.47 3 3682
Hestehave city Denmark 55.35 10.43 82 39204
Hestehavegård city Denmark 55.03 10.90 3 1250
Hestehavegård city Denmark 55.22 10.63 311 4522
Hiadstrup city Denmark 55.52 10.35 32 7809
Hillerslev city Denmark 55.22 10.35 141 4798
Hinderup city Denmark 55.37 10.40 82 41935
Hinderup Gaard city Denmark 55.37 10.40 82 41935
Hindevad city Denmark 55.45 10.12 180 1168
Hjadstrup city Denmark 55.52 10.35 32 7809
Hjaerup city Denmark 55.35 9.97 124 3543
Hjallese city Denmark 55.35 10.40 82 38236
Hjallese Hestehave city Denmark 55.35 10.43 82 39204
Hjallose city Denmark 55.35 10.40 82 38236
Hjelmerup city Denmark 55.30 10.25 65 16434
Hjerup city Denmark 55.35 9.97 124 3543
Hjorslev city Denmark 55.52 10.42 16 5675
Hjorte city Denmark 55.37 9.97 147 4103
Hjortebjaerg Huse city Denmark 55.52 10.10 124 4186
Hjortebjerg city Denmark 55.52 10.10 124 4186
Hjortebjerg Huse city Denmark 55.52 10.10 124 4186
Hjortebjærg Huse city Denmark 55.52 10.10 124 4186
Hjorto city Denmark 54.97 10.50 0 1363
Hjorto By city Denmark 54.97 10.50 0 1363
Hjortø city Denmark 54.97 10.50 0 1363
Hjortø By city Denmark 54.97 10.50 0 1363
Hjulby city Denmark 55.33 10.75 59 15385
Hjulby Dyrehave city Denmark 55.30 10.78 3 14883
Hjærup city Denmark 55.35 9.97 124 3543
Hobbet city Denmark 55.13 10.30 209 6793
Hoborg city Denmark 55.15 10.97 0 331
Hoborghus city Denmark 55.17 10.95 0 334
Hoed city Denmark 55.23 10.05 183 3260
Hojbjaerg city Denmark 55.55 10.62 0 1629
Hojbjaerg city Denmark 55.27 10.17 147 7079
Hojbjaerg city Denmark 55.42 10.25 68 32536
Hojbjerg city Denmark 55.27 10.17 147 7079
Hojbjerg city Denmark 55.42 10.25 68 32536
Hojbjerg city Denmark 55.55 10.62 0 1629
Hojby city Denmark 55.33 10.45 124 30229
Hoje city Denmark 55.13 10.53 216 6642
Hojeboge city Denmark 55.05 10.60 0 24014
Hojes Dong city Denmark 55.13 10.60 242 10189
Hojme city Denmark 55.35 10.33 65 41989
Hojrup city Denmark 55.25 10.17 131 6301
Hojrup city Denmark 55.18 10.35 118 4526
Holev city Denmark 55.40 10.52 39 25411
Holevad city Denmark 55.30 9.97 114 4460
Holevad Kirke city Denmark 55.30 9.97 114 4460
Holmdrup city Denmark 55.10 10.67 190 14455
Holme city Denmark 55.22 10.60 308 5122
Holme city Denmark 55.38 9.97 180 4595
Holmegaard city Denmark 55.30 10.62 160 6192
Holmegård city Denmark 55.15 10.00 16 760
Holmegård city Denmark 55.30 10.62 160 6192
Holmen city Denmark 55.30 10.82 0 6598
Holmene city Denmark 55.47 10.28 62 23958
Holmskov city Denmark 55.17 10.80 0 1560
Holmskovgard city Denmark 55.17 10.80 0 1560
Holmstrup city Denmark 55.37 10.30 131 43644
Holse city Denmark 55.50 10.03 82 2154
Holte city Denmark 55.28 10.15 147 7560
Honnerup city Denmark 55.42 9.98 137 5587
Honnerup Hovgard city Denmark 55.42 9.98 137 5587
Honsehave city Denmark 55.17 10.58 295 5892
Horne city Denmark 55.10 10.18 65 4869
Hostrup city Denmark 55.17 10.20 252 4389
Hov city Denmark 55.15 10.93 13 624
Hovgaard city Denmark 55.42 9.98 137 5587
Hudevad city Denmark 55.32 10.55 134 16627
Huk city Denmark 55.17 9.98 0 776
Humble city Denmark 54.83 10.70 78 2471
Humle city Denmark 54.83 10.70 78 2471
Hunderup city Denmark 55.38 10.40 65 43191
Hundslev city Denmark 55.40 10.58 55 9514
Hundslev Skovgård city Denmark 55.40 10.58 55 9514
Hundstrup city Denmark 55.10 10.43 114 4344
Hundtofte city Denmark 55.15 10.50 229 5487
Hunstrup city Denmark 55.10 10.43 114 4344
Husby city Denmark 55.37 9.87 16 2196
Husemose city Denmark 55.40 10.22 180 24553
Husemose Gaard city Denmark 55.40 10.22 180 24553
Hvileholm city Denmark 55.37 10.60 65 10357
Hvisby city Denmark 55.40 10.73 13 2503
Hygind city Denmark 55.38 9.88 32 2806
Håre city Denmark 55.37 9.92 82 3434
Hækkebølle city Denmark 55.42 10.03 196 3740
Höjbjærg city Denmark 55.55 10.62 0 1629
Höjbjærg city Denmark 55.27 10.17 147 7079
Höjbjærg city Denmark 55.42 10.25 68 32536
Høbbet city Denmark 55.13 10.30 209 6793
Høed city Denmark 55.23 10.05 183 3260
Højbjerg city Denmark 55.42 10.25 68 32536
Højbjerg city Denmark 55.55 10.62 0 1629
Højbjerg city Denmark 55.27 10.17 147 7079
Højby city Denmark 55.33 10.45 124 30229
Høje city Denmark 55.13 10.53 216 6642
Højebøge city Denmark 55.05 10.60 0 24014
Højes Dong city Denmark 55.13 10.60 242 10189
Højme city Denmark 55.35 10.33 65 41989
Højrup city Denmark 55.18 10.35 118 4526
Højrup city Denmark 55.25 10.17 131 6301
Hønnerup city Denmark 55.42 9.98 137 5587
Hønnerup Hovgård city Denmark 55.42 9.98 137 5587
Hønsehave city Denmark 55.17 10.58 295 5892

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