Directory of Cities and Towns in Lhuentse, Bhutan

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Lhuentse

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Khenpa Dzong city Lhuentse Bhutan 27.82 91.08 5380 2533
Lenlung city Lhuentse Bhutan 27.67 91.18 5039 4379
Lhuentse city Lhuentse Bhutan 27.67 91.18 5039 4379
Lhuntshi city Lhuentse Bhutan 27.67 91.18 5039 4379
Lhuntsi Dzong city Lhuentse Bhutan 27.67 91.18 5039 4379
Lingshi Dzong city Lhuentse Bhutan 27.67 91.18 5039 4379
Senghe Dzong city Lhuentse Bhutan 27.92 91.35 14488 2955
Singhi Dzong city Lhuentse Bhutan 27.92 91.35 14488 2955
Singye Dzong city Lhuentse Bhutan 27.92 91.35 14488 2955
Thunkar city Lhuentse Bhutan 27.82 91.08 5380 2533
Tobrang city Lhuentse Bhutan 27.72 91.50 9583 6885
Torma Shong city Lhuentse Bhutan 27.48 91.10 9255 2533
Tormoshangsa city Lhuentse Bhutan 27.48 91.10 9255 2533

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