Directory of Cities and Towns in Sarpang, Bhutan

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Sarpang

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Chanchukha Dzong city Sarpang Bhutan 27.13 90.35 8717 7899
Changchukha Dzong city Sarpang Bhutan 27.13 90.35 8717 7899
Gelaphu city Sarpang Bhutan 26.85 90.50 830 30723
Gelephu city Sarpang Bhutan 26.85 90.50 830 30723
Gelyephug city Sarpang Bhutan 26.85 90.50 830 30723
Geylegphug city Sarpang Bhutan 26.85 90.50 830 30723
Hatisār city Sarpang Bhutan 26.85 90.50 830 30723
Kalikhola city Sarpang Bhutan 26.72 90.85 830 35739
Lalai city Sarpang Bhutan 26.78 90.52 830 20167
Pengkhua city Sarpang Bhutan 26.72 90.05 830 32481
Pinkhua city Sarpang Bhutan 26.72 90.05 830 32481
Sarbhāng city Sarpang Bhutan 26.86 90.27 1131 19054
Sarpang city Sarpang Bhutan 26.86 90.27 1131 19054
དགེ་ལེགས་ཕུ་ city Sarpang Bhutan 26.85 90.50 830 30723
ゲレフ city Sarpang Bhutan 26.85 90.50 830 30723

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