Directory of Cities and Towns in Selibe Phikwe, Botswana

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Selibe Phikwe

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Phikwe city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
Pikwe city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
Pikwe-Selibe city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
Selebi city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
Selebi Pikvė city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
Selebi Pikwe city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
Selebi-Phikwe city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
Selebi-Pikwe city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
Selibe city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
Selibe Phikwe city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
Selibe-Phikwe city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
Selibe-Pikwe Mine Lease Area city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
Σελέμπι-Φίκουε city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
Селеби-Пхикве city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
Селебі-Пхікве city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
سلیب فیکوه، بوتسوانا city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
سیلیبی-فیکوے city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
セレビ・ピクウェ city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
塞莱比-皮奎 city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758
셀레비피퀘 city Selibe Phikwe Botswana -21.98 27.83 2887 32758

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