Directory of Cities and Towns in Chobe, Botswana

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Chobe

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Dodo city Chobe Botswana -18.75 25.40 3441 149
Gehumdi city Chobe Botswana -18.78 25.42 3435 149
Ihaha city Chobe Botswana -17.84 24.88 2608 425
Kabulabula city Chobe Botswana -17.83 24.97 2552 403
Kachikau city Chobe Botswana -18.17 24.47 3349 669
Kakoaka city Chobe Botswana -18.67 24.37 3349 149
Kangoma city Chobe Botswana -17.90 24.75 3349 492
Kanguma city Chobe Botswana -17.90 24.75 3349 492
Karomo Yamaburu city Chobe Botswana -17.85 24.85 2857 471
Kasane city Chobe Botswana -17.82 25.15 2509 745
Kasinka city Chobe Botswana -18.20 24.32 3349 149
Kataba city Chobe Botswana -18.17 24.42 3349 582
Kavimba city Chobe Botswana -18.02 24.60 3349 581
Kumba Pits city Chobe Botswana -18.72 24.68 3349 149
Lefase city Chobe Botswana -18.17 24.07 3349 169
Lesoane city Chobe Botswana -18.08 24.42 3349 149
Lesoma city Chobe Botswana -17.90 25.23 2828 79
Lesomo city Chobe Botswana -17.90 25.23 2828 79
Maseme city Chobe Botswana -18.75 25.07 3349 149
Muchenje city Chobe Botswana -17.98 24.65 3349 454
Nanyanga city Chobe Botswana -17.82 24.92 2509 494
Ngwezumba city Chobe Botswana -18.45 24.87 3349 149
Paranatungu city Chobe Botswana -18.05 24.27 3349 234
Sebe city Chobe Botswana -18.80 25.52 3454 149
Sebutu city Chobe Botswana -18.72 25.70 3530 149
Serondela city Chobe Botswana -17.84 25.01 2509 335
Simati city Chobe Botswana -18.15 24.07 3349 237
Касане city Chobe Botswana -17.82 25.15 2509 745
کاسان، بوتسوانا city Chobe Botswana -17.82 25.15 2509 745
カサネ city Chobe Botswana -17.82 25.15 2509 745
卡薩內 city Chobe Botswana -17.82 25.15 2509 745
카사네 city Chobe Botswana -17.82 25.15 2509 745

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